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CGS 1060 Introduction to MicroComputer Usage Chapter 1 Windows 7

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1 CGS 1060 Introduction to MicroComputer Usage Chapter 1 Windows 7
Instructor: Jack C Lusby

2 Windows 7 Operating System GUI (Graphical User Interface) Pg. A-3
Software that controls hardware, memory, secondary storage, peripherals and CPU GUI (Graphical User Interface) Pg. A-3

3 Exploring the Windows 7 Desktop
Windows Screen Elements (Pg. A-4) Command Bar Computer Icon (My Computer) Desktop Gadgets Icon Mouse Pointer Notification Area Recycle Bin Start Button Taskbar

4 Exploring the Windows 7 Desktop
Parts of a Window (pg. A-6) Address bar Close button Library Pane (File List) Navigation Pane Details pane Favorites ScreenTip Search box Title bar Toolbar

5 Personalizing the Desktop
Right-click on Desktop then select Personalize Current Desktop settings (A-8) Background Themes (A-8) Screen saver settings (A-9) Period of inactivity before screensaver displays Desktop Icon settings (A-9) Background settings (A-10)

6 Adding and Removing Gadgets
Right-click on Desktop then select Gadgets (pg. A-11) Shows gadgets currently installed Online link to more Windows Gadgets Gadget Controls (Figure 1.15 pg. A-12) Close Larger size Smaller size Options Drag gadget

7 Using the Start Menu Start Menu (A-14) All Programs
Gives you access to all programs on your computer Includes folders and programs Pinned Programs Area Recently Used Programs Search box Current User Shortcuts (Computer, Control Panel, Pictures, etc.)

8 Adding Shortcuts to the Start Menu, Desktop, and Taskbar
Right click on program in start menu list (A-16 to A-19) Pin to Start Menu Send to

9 Minimizing, Maximizing and Restoring a Window (A-19 to A-20)
Minimize button Left most button in upper right corner Sends active program to the taskbar Maximize button Expands the program over the entire screen. Secret: You can double click the title bar Restore down button Window is restored to its original size and location

10 Hiding and Displaying Windows
Show Desktop Button (A-20 to A-21) Lower right corner of the desktop Button toggles between desktop and all open programs

11 Customizing and Using the Taskbar (A-22 to A-24)
Thumbnails Miniature representation of a program from the taskbar Moving between open programs Alt-Tab Taskbar Properties Right click on the taskbar and select ‘Properties’ to configure Taskbar Appearance Taskbar location on screen

12 Resizing, Moving, Scrolling and Closing Windows (A-24 to A-27)
Resizing Windows Hover mouse pointer over corner of window until the resize pointer appears Drag the mouse until the window is resized Scroll Box Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll line by line Click within the scroll box to page up and page down through the content Auto-resize windows Drag a window past the left or right side of the screen Closing windows Use the X in the upper right hand corner to close a program

13 Opening and Navigating Windows Explorer (A-29 to A-31)
Windows File Explorer Organize button controls what is viewable Figure 1.35 Libraries Pane Detailed view of files and folders within the address bar Navigation Pane Use of arrows to show expanded folders Details Pane Information about the current folder listed in the address bar

14 Creating a New Folder (A-31 to A-32)
New Folder button in command bar of Windows (File) Explorer Also available in the right click menu within the libraries pane Column headings (ex. Name) can also be selected to sort Size of library pane can be reconfigured.

15 Moving and Renaming Folders (A-33 to A-35)
Copying Files Drag and drop files from one drive location to another drive location will automatically copy Double clicking on the resize pointer within the columns in the library window will auto resize it Ensures that all contents within the column can be seen Renaming Files Right click on the file and select ‘Rename’ Click the file name once and it will auto rename

16 Copying Files (A-35 to A-37)
Drag and drop files from one drive location to another drive location will automatically copy Drag and drop files from one folder to another folder on the same drive will Move the files Right click on the file and select ‘Copy’ Open the folder you would like to copy to Right click and select ‘Paste’ Copying Multiple Files Shift Key + Click – select two files and all files in between are selected Ctrl Key + Click – select several files that are not next to each other

17 Moving, Renaming and Deleting Files (A-37 to A-40)
Moving Files Drag and drop files from one folder to another folder on the same drive will Move the files Right click on file or folder and select ‘Cut’ Find folder you would like to move files to and select ‘Paste’ Deleting Files Right click on file or folder and select ‘Delete’ Confirmation message will appear Renaming Files Right click on the file and select ‘Rename’ Click the file name once and it will auto rename

18 Using the Address Bar to Navigate Drives and Folders (A-42 to A-43)
Windows File Explorer Address Bar has arrows for each path listed Similar to the Navigation Pane Use to view different paths without leaving current view Back Button Time Machine Use to go back to the previous path viewed Forward Button Use to go forward to path visited before this one

19 Adding Descriptions and Tags to Files (A-43 to A-45)
Custom file properties that help you organize your files Tags are viewable via the Details pane Expand Details pane to show all information Tags is part of the metadata for a file Some files do not support tags Properties of a file also have the metadata information Right click on file and select ‘properties’

20 Finding Files and Folders Creating a Search Folder (A-45 to 47)
Search Box Used to find files and folders with specified data Defaults to locating file and folder names Additional Options Use the ‘Search again in’ to specify the ‘File Contents’ Will search metadata as well (including tags) Save Search Button Available on the Command Bar after a search is performed Saves the search folder to Favorites

21 Big Idea for Chapter 1: Using Windows 7 Efficiently
How can we use the Start Menu? How can we manage the different windows? How can we resize, move and scroll windows? How can we create, move and rename folders? How can we copy, move, rename and delete files? How can we find files and folders?

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