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It is a very personal thing for me to not only show these pieces but explain what they mean to me and reveal the emotions these pieces bring out. I do.

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Presentation on theme: "It is a very personal thing for me to not only show these pieces but explain what they mean to me and reveal the emotions these pieces bring out. I do."— Presentation transcript:

1 It is a very personal thing for me to not only show these pieces but explain what they mean to me and reveal the emotions these pieces bring out. I do it with some reluctance because it’s a bit like baring my soul. So be kind as you review these and just know that revealing some of these thoughts was a little unnerving.

2 “My Unforgettable Pain Each water drop represents the events following my assault, and the many hours I spent repeating my story, attempting to convince the police to believe me. All of this was followed by the discovery of a pregnancy. With each water drop came a new obstacle for me to overcome. Each ripple in the water is the aftermath of the intense pain I once felt. Knowing the ripples would fade gave me hope that one day the emotions that overwhelmed me would weaken with time.

3 “Discount Rapist” I lost trust in many people I admired, respected and deeply cared for. This eliminated my ability to trust, as I was scared and always looking for someone behind me. After creating this image I felt a sense of relief. The eyes became a permanent reference. Because of that I began to feel safe.

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