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1 Ravi Vatrapu Motivations for Using the Internet Edwards, S. (2007). Motivations for Using the Internet and Its Implications for the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ravi Vatrapu Motivations for Using the Internet Edwards, S. (2007). Motivations for Using the Internet and Its Implications for the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ravi Vatrapu Motivations for Using the Internet Edwards, S. (2007). Motivations for Using the Internet and Its Implications for the Internet Advertising. Chapter 05 of Internet Advertising. Course Portal: Facebook: Etherpad: Thursday, 24-Feb-2011 EB22: Online Marketing: Lecture 11 Auditorium 4, ITU, Copenhagen, Denmark

2 Internet Advertising Research  Efficiency  Use of Web addresses in traditional media  Advertisers’ perceptions of Internet  What consumers value online  Response types for successful advertising  Motivations for using the Interent 2

3 Human Motivation “A motive has been defined as an activated state that supports goal directed behavior” (p. 93)  Initiation  Intensity  Persistence 3

4 Motivations for Using the Internet  Uses and Gratifications  Process Motivations  Content Motivations 4

5 Motivations for Processing Internet Advertisements  Traditional Classification of Advertising  Informational  Image-oriented  Processing Advertising  Motivation  Opportunity  Ability  Informational Appeals vs. Hedonic Appeals 5

6 Online Consumer Motivations  Motive Switching  Mode of Surfing  Information-seeking vs. Experience-wanting  Influence of Demographic Variables  Age  Gender  Education  Experience 6

7 Improving Opportunities to Ad Processing 1.Placement 2.Redundancy 3.Contrast 4.Message Simplicity 5.User Control 7

8 Discussion 8 Exercise 09: On the creative consumer

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