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Geodatabase basic. The geodatabase The geodatabase is a collection of geographic datasets of various types used in ArcGIS and managed in either a file.

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Presentation on theme: "Geodatabase basic. The geodatabase The geodatabase is a collection of geographic datasets of various types used in ArcGIS and managed in either a file."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geodatabase basic

2 The geodatabase The geodatabase is a collection of geographic datasets of various types used in ArcGIS and managed in either a file folder or a relational database. It is the native data source for ArcGIS and is used for editing and data automation in ArcGIS.

3 Geodatabase type

4 Geodatabase Structure

5 Feature Dataset

6 Joining the attributes from a table Typically, you'll join a table of data to a layer based on the value of a field that can be found in both tables. The name of the field does not have to be the same, but the data type has to be the same; you join numbers to numbers, strings to strings, and so on.join Suppose you obtain daily weather forecasts by county and generate weather maps based on this information. As long as the weather data is stored in a table in your database and shares a common field with your layer, you can join it to your geographic features and use any of the additional fields to symbolize, label, query, or analyze the layer's features.

7 Joining the attributes from a table Here's an example of a many-to-one relationship. Suppose you have a layer where each polygon is classified according to its land use type. The layer's attribute table only stores a land use code; a separate table stores the full description of each land use type. Joining these two tables together establishes a many-to-one relationship because many records in the layer's attribute table join to the same record in the table of land use descriptions. You might then use the more descriptive text when generating the legend for your map.


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