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Presentation on theme: "(NOW KINGDOM ARCHAEBACTERIA/EUBACTERIA) Microbiology: Kingdom Monera."— Presentation transcript:


2 The origin of life Spontaneous Generation – organic from inorganic  Mice from grain?  Bees from cattle?  Lazzaro Spallanzani says NAY!  Boiling  Pasteur  Curved necks

3 The first signs of life 1. Meteor showers + high volcanic activity 2. CO2, CO, H2, N2, CH4, NH3 atmosphere 3. Liquid water shows up 4. prokaryotes (~3.5 billion)  Lake Superior  Neat eh?

4 Miller and Urey Made soup of molecules  Urea, amino acids, lactic acid  Organic compounds  Uracil/Cytosine Meteors with life? Amino acids linking together  Dividing droplets

5 Taking the first step Chicken/Egg scenario  Enzymes vs. Enzyme production RNA likely 1 st 1 st cells prokaryotic – bacteria like Heterotrophic (food from soup) Anaerobes  Live without oxygen

6 Evolving past the soup Food would run out Natural selection favours those who can harness energy  Photosynthesis (modified) – H2S instead of H2O  Autotrophs  Food from light  Eg. Stromalites

7 Moving towards multicellular Changes in earth atmosphere Oxygen and Aerobics Sexual Reproduction  mutations Endocytosis of Pieces  Mitochondria  Chloroplasts

8 Endosymbiont Hypothesis Phagocytosis  Host Cell incorporates specialized bacteria Created Eukaryotes  Symbiotes  Cyanophoa paradoxa  Blue-green algae chloroplasts

9 Prokaryotes revisited – Type 1: Eubacteria No nucleus Eubacteria 1-10 micrometers  Cell wall  (carbohydrates)  Cytoplasm  Cell membrane  Flagella Huge Variety

10 Eg. Cyanobacteria Blue-green bacteria (≠ blue -green algae)  Photosynthetic (autotrophic)  Contain chlorophyll and phycocyanin  No chloroplasts  Photosynthesis in membranes  fresh water/salt water/land  Grow in hot springs and snow!

11 Type 2: Archaebacteria Lack important cell wall carbohydrate, different lipids, different ribosomes, different genes…. Live in harsh/extreme conditions  Digestive tracts  Salt lakes  Boiling hot springs

12 Make A Chart – 1. Shapes Rod - bacilli Sphere - cocci Spiral - spirilla

13 Make a chart: 2. Obtaining Energy Autotrophs – energy trappers  Phototrophic – energy from sun  Photosynthetic eubacteria  Chemotrophic – energy from inorganic molecules (H2S, Fe etc) Heterotrophs – energy eaters  Phototrophic – need sunlight for energy, food for nutrition  Chemotrophic – break down organic molecules and absorb  Eg animals

14 Make a chart: 3. Respiration Need a constant supply of energy  Respiration and fermentation Obligate Aerobes  Bacteria, people Obligate Anaerobes  Poisoned by O2 Facultative Anaerobes  no problems

15 Make a chart: 4. Growth/Reproduction Binary Fission  No recombination/exchange of genes  Asexual  Eg. E.coli Conjugation  Sexual reproduction  Protein bridge (donor/recipient) Spore Formation  Conditions unfavourable  Endospore – thick coating

16 Bacterial Importance Pt 1 Foods/Beverages  Cheese, yogurt, sour cream Industry  Digesting oil!  Mining  Synthesizing drugs Symbiosis  Intestines  Making vitamins  Digesting food

17 Bacterial Importance Pt. 2 Nutrient flow  Break down dead material - decomposition  Nitrogen fixation, nitrification Sewage Decomposition

18 What to know Early experiments (including spontaneous generation) How early earth was different (and why important) Hetero vs. Autotroph Anaerobe vs. Aerobe Endosymbiont Hypothesis Eubacteria vs. Archbacteria Chart  Shapes, energy, respiration, growth and reproduction Importance of Bacteria

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