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Chapter 3 Tables and Page Layout

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1 Chapter 3 Tables and Page Layout
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Chapter 3 Tables and Page Layout

2 Objectives Understand page layout Design a Web page using tables
Create a table structure Modify a table structure Describe HTML table tags Add content to a table Tables and Page Layout

3 Objectives Add a border to a table Format table content Format a table
Add borders to images Create head content Tables and Page Layout

4 Project – Formatted Tables with Images
Tables and Page Layout

5 General Project Guidelines
Plan the Web pages Determine when to insert tables Lay out Web pages with tables Determine when to add borders Identify cells to merge Plan head content Tables and Page Layout

6 Displaying the Insert Bar and Selecting the Layout Tab
If necessary, click Window on the Application bar and then click Insert to display the Insert bar Click the Layout tab to display the Insert bar Layout category Tables and Page Layout

7 Layout Tab Tables and Page Layout

8 Inserting a Table Click the Table button on the Layout tab to display the Table dialog box Type the desired number of rows and columns, the table width, border thickness, cell padding, and cell spacing in the appropriate text boxes Type the desired summary in the Summary text box Click the OK button to insert the table into the Document window Tables and Page Layout

9 Inserting a Table Tables and Page Layout

10 Property Inspector Table Features
Tables and Page Layout

11 Selecting and Centering a Table
Click in row 1, column 1 to place the insertion point in the first cell of the table Click <table> in the tag selector to select the table and to display handles on the lower and right borders of the table Click the Align button in the Property inspector and then click Center to center the table on the page Tables and Page Layout

12 Selecting and Centering a Table
Tables and Page Layout

13 Changing Vertical Alignment
Select the cells of which you want to change the vertical alignment Click the Vert button in the Property inspector to display the Vert pop-up menu and then click the desired vertical alignment option Tables and Page Layout

14 Changing Vertical Alignment
Tables and Page Layout

15 Specifying Column Width
Select the cells in the column of which you want to change the width Click the W box in the Property inspector, type the desired width, and then press the ENTER key to set the width for the selected column Click anywhere in the table to deselect the column Tables and Page Layout

16 Specifying Column Width
Tables and Page Layout

17 Adding a Table ID Click <table> in the tag selector to select the table Click the Table text box and then type the desired ID text Press the ENTER key to add the table ID Tables and Page Layout

18 Adjusting the Table Width
If necessary, click in the cell in the links table to make it the active table Click <table> in the tag selector to select the table Double-click the W box in the Property inspector to select the width value Type the desired width and then press the ENTER key Tables and Page Layout

19 Adjusting the Table Width
Tables and Page Layout

20 Merging Two Cells in a Table
Drag to select the two cells in the table to merge Click the ‘Merges selected cells using spans’ button to merge the cells Tables and Page Layout

21 Disabling the Image Tag Accessibility Attributes Dialog Box
Click Edit on the Application bar, and then click Preferences to display the Preferences dialog box Click Accessibility in the Category list to display the accessibility options If necessary, click the check boxes to deselect Form objects, Frames, Media, and Images, which disables the Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box Click the OK button Tables and Page Layout

22 Disabling the Image Tag Accessibility Attributes Dialog Box
Tables and Page Layout

23 Adding Images to a Table
Click the Expand Panels button to expand the panel groups, and then click the Assets tab to display the assets for this Web site If necessary, click the Images button and the Site option button in the Assets panel to display the images for this Web site Position the insertion point where you wish to insert the image Drag the desired image from the Assets panel to the insertion point Tables and Page Layout

24 Adding Images to a Table
Change the image width and height in the W and H boxes, respectively, and then press the ENTER key Enter the desired image ID in the ID text box Enter the desired Alt text in the Alt box Tables and Page Layout

25 Adding Images to a Table
Tables and Page Layout

26 Adding Image Borders and a Table Border
Click to select the image of which you want to add a border In the Border text box, type the desired border thickness Click the table tag in the tag selector to select the table Enter the desired border thickness in the Border text box, and then press ENTER to add a border to the table Tables and Page Layout

27 Adding Image Borders and a Table Border
Tables and Page Layout

28 Head Content Elements Meta Keywords Description Refresh Base Link
Tables and Page Layout

29 Adding Keywords and a Description to a Web Page
Open the desired page Click Insert on the Application bar, point to HTML, point to Head Tags on the HTML submenu, and then point to Keywords on the Head Tags submenu Click the Keywords command to display the Keywords dialog box Type the desired keywords in the Keywords text box, separating each one by a comma Tables and Page Layout

30 Adding Keywords and a Description to a Web Page
Click the OK button to add the keywords to the head tag and close the Keywords dialog box Click Insert on the Application bar, point to HTML, point to Head Tags on the HTML submenu, and then click Description on the Head Tags submenu to open the Description dialog box Type the desired description in the Description text box to describe the Web page Click the OK button to close the Description dialog box Tables and Page Layout

31 Adding Keywords and a Description to a Web Page
Tables and Page Layout

32 Publishing a Web Site Publishing and maintaining your site using Dreamweaver involves the following steps: Using the Site Setup dialog box to enter the FTP information Specifying the Web server to which you want to publish your Web site Connecting to the Web server and uploading the files Synchronizing the local and remote sites Tables and Page Layout

33 Chapter Summary Understand page layout Design a Web page using tables
Create a table structure Modify a table structure Describe HTML table tags Add content to a table Tables and Page Layout

34 Chapter Summary Add a border to a table Format table content
Format a table Add borders to images Create head content Tables and Page Layout

35 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Chapter 3 Complete

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