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Bitrix Site Manager Version 7.0: Features and Updates, New Product Editions.

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Presentation on theme: "Bitrix Site Manager Version 7.0: Features and Updates, New Product Editions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bitrix Site Manager Version 7.0: Features and Updates, New Product Editions

2 Features and Updates Native UTF-8 support Innovative user interface to simplify everyday tasks Enhanced Photo Gallery 2.0 Windows-style control panel interface Easy-to-follow wizards Powerful and lightweight WYSIWIG New toolbar panel New installation packages

3 Major advances of Bitrix Site Manager Version 7.0 Windows-style User interface Native UTF-8 Support Multi-user Photo Gallery In-place Content Editing Facilities OpenID and Live ID Support Wizards to create ad edit content Security

4 New Toolbar Panel Windows Vista style “Start” button Quick access to any system application Recently visited pages Favorites Dynamic resource load (AJAX)

5 Vista-like Start Button in Menu The Start button provides a quick access to all site management tools. Now there is no need to open Control Panel to reach the needed Bitrix Site Manager tool.

6 Content Management Wizards Version 7.0 introduces new easy-to- follow wizards for everyday site management tasks.

7 Role-based tabbed interface There are 4 tabs in the site toolbar panel starting from v.7.0: 1.Public view 2.Editor Mode (for non-tech content editors) 3.Developer Mode (for developers and experienced users) 4.Control Panel New

8 Edit-in-place Content Management The Editor Mode enables you to perform content management operations from the Public section: Creating and editing of both static and dynamic content:  pages;  news, catalogs;  site menu;  forms;  more… WYSIWIG editor is simplified and greatly speeded up

9 Creating a Page in Editor Mode A simple and user-friendly wizard enables content editors to create a page in any site section and make it available from the site menu. Content editors can also add news, catalog, and other content blocks on the page.

10 News Editing in Editor Mode Content editors can add news on pages with the help of a wizard.

11 Developer Mode The Developer Mode combines operations on the site setup: components settings, component template editing, and other.

12 Native UTF-8 Support Bitrix Site Manager can be installed with UTF-8 support that enables you to work comfortably in many languages. UTF-8 support allows creating and fully supporting various language packages in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and other languages.

13 Photo Gallery 2.0 Multi-user support Improved user interface Multiple photo upload Private and public photo galleries Commenting, ratings Slide show Thumbnail and full image views Tag clouds, and more. Photo Gallery 2.0 presents a bunch of improvements in new version. Important features include:

14 Web2.0 Tools Extended AJAX support in components Improved tag clouds Web services (SOAP) Social networking features (forum, blogs communities) Adaptive user interface

15 New Edition: Premium Solid Foundation for Business Portal. The Premium Edition supports MySQL, Oracle or MSSQL as a database backend. 22 modules 1 year of technical support 1 year of free updates Multi-site support 3 VIP Support Requests,24/7

16 New Edition: Ultimate Powerful Solution for Successful Business Development. The Ultimate Edition supports MySQL, Oracle or MSSQL as a database backend. 24 modules 1 year of technical support 1 year of free updates Multi-site support 5 VIP Support Requests,24/7

17 Contact Information USA Toll Free Number (US only) +1-888-5BITRIX (+1-888-524-8749) Telephone Number: +1.703.740.8301 Postal address 901 N. Pitt str, Suite 325 Alexandria, VA 22314 Sales Department: Web Site:

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