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Welcome! Please take a moment to check out my blog, at It will be the springboard for our discussion today.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please take a moment to check out my blog, at It will be the springboard for our discussion today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please take a moment to check out my blog, at It will be the springboard for our discussion today.

2 Blogging with a Purpose

3 Think of your blog as an investment…

4 Blogging with a Purpose Three Main Goals: Standards Enthusiasm Facilitate contact with students missing extended periods of time in class

5 Blogging with a Purpose Focus on Standards through Backward Design

6 Blogging with a Purpose What can I do to engage disinterested students?

7 Blogging with a Purpose On the day we previewed the space toilet, 12 students used the blog to explore the space page!

8 Blogging with a Purpose Student attendance

9 Blogging with a Purpose The Law of Unintended Consequences

10 Blogging with a Purpose Helicopter Parents

11 Blogging with a Purpose Google Analytics Generates Data

12 Blogging with a Purpose

13 Google-Fu: (Function- noun) the ability to quickly answer any given question using internet resources, such as a search engine Example: "My google-fu is strong this morning.” Filetype: “ “

14 Blogging with a Purpose

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