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1 Musculoskeletal

2 Common MS disorders in Children
Developmental hip dysplasia Clubfoot Fractures Scoliosis Osteogenesis Imperfecta Osgood-Schlatter Disease Osteomyelitis Muscular Dystrophy JRA

3 Disorders of the lower extremities

4 Developmental hip dysplasia
Hereditary disorder, more common in girls, unilateral Improper formation and function of hip socket Head of femur is dislocated Flat acetabulum of pelvis (prevents femur from remaining in the acetabulum and rotating adequately)

5 Congenital hip dysplasia

6 Symptoms Limited abduction of the affected hip
Asymmetry of the gluteal and thigh fat folds Affected leg may appear shorter Positive “Ortolani click” Uneven gait in older children

7 Diagnosis Early detection is key for success
Treatment depends on age at diagnosis

8 Management for infants under 3 months of age
Pavlik harness: keeps hips and knees flexed, the hips abducted, and the femoral head in the acetabulum worn continuously for 3 to 6 months effective 90% of time

9 Management for infants >3 months age
Hip spica cast: maintains abduction (frog-like position) 3-18 months age Worn for 1 year Must be changed as child grows ORIF (surgical insertion of pin) For child >18mos Successful reduction is difficult after age 4

10 Nursing Considerations
Skin care Hygiene Feeding Handling Immobility Elimination Growth and Development Clothing Transportation

11 Clubfoot (equinusvarus)
Congenital deformity of the foot Three areas of deformity: The midfoot is directed downward (equinus), the hindfoot turns inward (varus), the forefoot curls toward the heel (adduction) and turns upward in partial supination.

12 Clubfoot Can affect one or both feet
Portions of foot and ankle are twisted out of normal position Varying degrees of severity & combinations of abnormal positions

13 Early detection is critical Part of newborn assessment
Move foot to midline Can range from mild to severe

14 Treatment: Begins soon after birth, before discharge Manipulation with serial casting for 8-12 weeks (due to rapid growth) Cast extends above infant’s knee to ensure correction

15 Surgical correction btw 4-12 mos, realignment of bones, pin insertion, cast for 6-12 weeks
Denis Browne Splints: shoes attached to metal bar to maintain correction

16 Fractures Break in bone from stress
Frequent in children- bones are not as dense and more porous Usually occur from Falls Sports MVA Bone disease

17 Fractures Symptoms: Pain Abnormal limb positioning Decreased ROM Edema
Ecchymosis Crepitus Refusal to play with extremity, guarding

18 Management Cast Surgery Pins and external devices
Traction- used to align bone Skin Pull is applied to the skin and muscle Skeletal Pull is applied to the bone pins

19 Nursing Considerations: New Cast
Inspect skin observe for swelling, pain, discoloration, odor keep cast free of foreign objects Monitor Neurovascular Status keep extremity elevated for 1st day observe for loss of distal pulse, discoloration, loss of movement

20 Watch for Compartment Syndrome
Clinical manifestations begin about 30 minutes after tissue ischemia starts. Paresthesia (tingling, burning, loss of two-point discrimination) Pain (unrelieved by medication, characterized by crying in the young child) Pressure (skin is tense or discolored, cast appears tight) Pallor distal to cast (pale, gray, or white skin tone) Paralysis (weakness or inability to move extremity) Pulselessness distal to cast (weak or absent pulse)

21 Cast Care in Children Promote Mobility Promote Growth and Development
Crutches Wheelchair Wheeled Carts (hip spica casts) Promote Growth and Development promote body image provide diversional activity cast becomes part of body, fear removal

22 Disorders of the Spine

23 Scoliosis Most common type of spinal deformity, girls 5:1 ratio
Lateral curvature of spine Can be congenital or develop in infancy or childhood Dx: by observation, non painful at first All children screened in 5th grade Ill fitting clothes Uneven shoulders, scapulae, hips Scoliometer: degree of curvature

24 Treatment Treatment will not correct the curve, but prevent it from worsening Mild Scoliosis Life Long monitoring Moderate Scoliosis Bracing Exercises to improve posture and flexibility Electrical Stimulation to back muscles

25 Treatment for Severe Scoliosis
Surgical correction: spinal realignment & straightening (Harrington Rod) Followed by Milwaukee Brace . Worn 23 hr day

26 Nursing Considerations
Screen and identify children Refer to ortho for eval and treatment Assess respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular as rib cage deformity can affect Promote understanding and compliance of treatment Promote good body image and self esteem

27 Disorders of the bones

28 Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Connective tissue disorder, leads to fragile bone formation “Brittle Bone Disease” Causes recurrent pathological fractures Will not have normal growth in height

29 Clinical manifestations
Multiple and frequent fractures Thin, soft skin Increased joint flexibility Weak muscles Soft, pliable, brittle bones Short stature

30 Nursing Management Goal: protect from trauma and reduce the number of fractures Early intervention Splints, Braces, Surgical Rods Childproof home

31 Nursing Management Handle child gently.
Support trunk and extremities as child is moved. Bathing and diapering may cause fractures Use blanket for additional support when lifting Never pull legs upward when changing a diaper gently slip a hand under the hips to raise

32 Nursing Management Encourage well-balanced diet
additional vitamin C, vitamin D, and calcium to encourage healing and bone growth. Limit calories to maintain weight immobility can lead to overweight

33 Nursing Management Support normal growth and development Socialization
Swimming improves muscle tone Wheelchairs and adaptive equipment

34 Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Thickening & enlargement of tibial tuberosity Results from microtrauma (sports-related) Bilateral knee pain exacerbated by running, jumping, climbing stairs

35 Nursing Management Self-limiting condition
rest, ice, heat, NSAIDs Immobilization of limb may be necessary Support other methods of exercise, sports

36 Osteomyelitis Bacterial infection of bone
Common in children age 1-12 years Can follow open fractures, burns, skin abscess, foreign body Infecting organism spreads through the bloodstream from the penetrating injury to the bone

37 Signs and Symptoms Pain, warmth, tenderness, limited ROM localized to the area of infection Usually in the extremities In younger child- more subtle symptoms, irritability

38 Osteomyelitis Diagnosis: Increased WBC’s Increased sed rate
Increased C-reactive protein Positive blood culture MRI shows bone purulence and edema

39 Treatment 4-6 weeks of Antibiotics (PICC line)
Limit weight bearing on extremity Aggressive therapy is needed to prevent Disruption of the growth plate, interrupt growth Septic arthritis and joint damage Recurrent infection

40 Nursing Considerations
Administer IV antibiotics Teach care of PICC line Strict aseptic technique and transmission-based precautions during all dressing changes. Good hygiene Teach signs of spread of infection increasing pain, difficulty breathing, increased pulse rate, fever

41 Nursing Considerations
Promote Development Provide suggestions for the family if the child will be immobilized at home. Assist the family in planning for completion of school tasks

42 Disorders of the Muscle

43 Muscular Dystrophy Inherited disease with progressive deterioration of muscle cells Causes progressive muscle weakness and atrophy Several different types All differ by age of onset and severity The most common form of childhood muscular dystrophy is Duchenne muscular dystrophy

44 Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
X-linked recessive disorder Affects boys, symptoms by age 3 Will meet early motor milestones, but later at age 3 see: waddling gait, difficulty climbing stairs, frequent falls; easily tired, when walking and running toe walking, hypertrophied calves, lordosis

45 Gower’s Sign: press hands against ankles, knees & thighs to stand up

46 Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy
Speech & swallowing become impaired More pronounced muscle weakness (scoliosis) Wheelchair by junior high Tachycardia Pneumonia Heart failure age 20

47 Nursing Considerations
Maintain ambulation as long as possible Physical Therapy, Adaptive equipment Braces to prevent contractures Promote independence Prevention of injury Prevention of infection

48 Disorders of the soft tissue

49 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic inflammation of synovium with eventual erosion of articular cartilage Cause is autoimmune + ANA (antinuclear antibodies) + RF (rheumatoid factor) Peak: 1-3 years or 8-12 years, girls affected more

50 Follows one of three clinical courses
Systemic: elevated temperature, rash, any # of joints affected Pauciarticular: involves 4 or less joints, usually large joints Polyarticular: involves 5 or more joints, smaller joints or weight bearing joints

51 Symptoms Stiffness in AM Swelling Tenderness Painful to touch
Warm to touch, seldom red Loss of motion Increased WBC’s & sed rate

52 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Goals of care: Maintain joint fx (splints, ROM) Prevent physical deformities Relieve symptoms (pain & inflammation) NSAID’s (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) SAARD’s Slower Acting Antirheumatic Drugs(gold, D-penicllamine)

53 Nursing Care Facilitate medication compliance
Encourage child to be as independent as possible Moist heat (bath or whirlpool) especially in morning Prevention of injury Promote functioning Most common complication severe hip involvement with loss of function

54 Practice Questions!

55 A 3-year-old child is suspected of having Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Which of the following assessment findings by the nurse would support this diagnosis? A history of delayed crawling Outward rotation of the hips Difficulty climbing stairs Wasted muscle appearance

56 A child is admitted to the hospital suspecting osteomyelitis
A child is admitted to the hospital suspecting osteomyelitis. Which of the following serum laboratory values noted by the nurse supports this diagnosis? (Select all that apply) Positive Blood Cultures + ANA WBC 15,000 Sed Rate 5 Decreased C-Reactive Protein

57 An adolescent diagnosed with moderate scoliosis describes all of the following symptoms. Which one would the nurse conclude is not associated with the initial diagnosis? Back pain Skirts that hang unevenly Unequal shoulder heights Uneven waist angles

58 A 4-year-old child with osteogenesis imperfecta is admitted to the hospital unit. Which of the child’s nursing diagnosis has the highest priority? Impaired skin integrity related to cast Pain related to fractures Risk for injury related to disease state Disturbed body image related to short stature

59 Which item should the nurse remove from the bedside table of a 4-year-old child who has just been placed in bilateral long leg casts? Legos Etch-a-sketch Fireman’s hat Coloring book

60 The nurse is assessing a child in a newly applied cast to the lower leg for a tibia fracture. The nurse medicates the child for pain, which is ineffective. The nurse should further assess: Color of toes. Apical pulse. Skin temperature. Blood pressure

61 A 14-year-old states her fingers and wrists are stiff in the morning, hurt, and are swollen. The nurse suspects this adolescent will be tested for: Osteomyelitis Osgood-Schlatter Disease Rheumatoid Arthritis Fractures

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