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AUCD and the LEND Program Fred Palmer, MD and George Jesien, PhD Waisman Center – Registry Meeting June 29, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "AUCD and the LEND Program Fred Palmer, MD and George Jesien, PhD Waisman Center – Registry Meeting June 29, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUCD and the LEND Program Fred Palmer, MD and George Jesien, PhD Waisman Center – Registry Meeting June 29, 2007

2 Three National Networks

3 AUCD Represents and Supports Three National Networks Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Programs: 35 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs): 67 Formerly University Affiliated Programs (UAPs) Developmental Disabilities Research Centers (DDRCs): 21

4 Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities

5 LEND Network

6 Leadership Education in Neurodevelopment and Related Disabilities (LEND) Programs Funded by the MCHB and work directly with State Title V Agencies Ensure health care professionals have the necessary leadership skills and most current knowledge Provide a range of interdisciplinary clinical services at university & community settings Address the unique needs of children with special health care needs & their families Promote cultural competency, family-based care and interdisciplinary partnerships.

7 Faculty and students are drawn from 13 core disciplines AudiologyGenetics Health Administration NursingNutrition Occupational Therapy Pediatrics Pediatric Dentistry Physical Therapy Psychology Social Work Special Education Speech & Language Parents and consumers

8 National Information Retrieval System (NIRS) Web-based network wide database –Trainee data and follow-up survey –Products –Projects –Technical Assistance Activities Tied into performance measures


10 Clinical Services & Training (FY05) 62,147 clients seen in Center Clinics & Services –22% minorities 146,810 served in the community –24% minorities Nearly 2,000 interdisciplinary long-term trainees


12 SSA/AUCD: A National Collaboration

13 Pediatric Medical Units  Help adjudicators make good decisions as early as possible in the process  Improve timeliness,& efficiency of childhood determinations  Employ interdisciplinary teams to review case and targeted assessments as needed

14 PMU Locations Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities, U of Tennessee Health Science Center - Memphis, TN Center for Disabilities & Development, U of Iowa - Iowa City, IA Center on Human Development & Disability, U of Washington LEND Program, - Seattle, WA Institute for Community Inclusion, Children’s Hospital, U of Massachusetts - Boston, MA JFK Partners, U of Colorado Health Sciences Center - Denver CO Mailman Center for Child Development, U of Miami Miller School of Medicine - Miami, FL Nisonger Center, Ohio State University - Columbus, OH Nisonger Center, Ohio State University - Columbus, OH University of Illinois UCE - Chicago, IL

15 Record Review Report Template Synthesize file evidence Describe severity of impairments, especially functional limitations Resolve inconsistencies and/or contradictions Recommend additional evidence, if needed

16 Project Evaluation Central data collection –Password protected access –Anonymous case data: no identifiers Sites enter data for each referral –Case characteristics –Secure on-line case reporting –SSA role  Track final case outcome


18 Thank You! George Jesien, Ph.D. Executive Director Fred Palmer, MD, Director, Boling Center FPALMER@UTMEM1.UTMEM.EDU FPALMER@UTMEM1.UTMEM.EDU

19 Direct Clinical Services (LEND only): By Age AGE2003200420052006TOTAL 0-29,41512,07710,54420,61259,623 3-58,12114,52012,55520,83263,830 6-119,83614,64016,72231,27982,598 12-174,8328,4848,58116,87244,241 18-211,0842,2912,5273,93912,481 22-541,9846,2718,7839,68831,579 55-plus3731,9762,0832,4298,460 No Age Data Provided 2,7813021,1854714,739 TOTAL38,42660,56162,980106,122307,551

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