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There are different Christian attitudes to Capital Punishment. Many Christians believe that C.P. is un-Christian and can never be justified. They feel.

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Presentation on theme: "There are different Christian attitudes to Capital Punishment. Many Christians believe that C.P. is un-Christian and can never be justified. They feel."— Presentation transcript:


2 There are different Christian attitudes to Capital Punishment. Many Christians believe that C.P. is un-Christian and can never be justified. They feel that a Christian should never be involved in capital punishment and should campaign against its use. They believe this because…

3 Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus came to save (reform) sinners. It is impossible to reform sinners if they have been executed.

4 Jesus banned retribution when he said that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is wrong. For Christians the law of the New Testament has replaced the law of the Old Testament which permits capital punishment.

5 Christianity teaches that human life is sacred and that only God has the right to take life.

6 Most Christian churches have condemned capital punishment, and even those who have not such as the Roman Catholic church, have groups of leaders that have condemned capital punishment, such as the Catholic Bishops Conference of the USA.

7 These Christians would also use all the non religious arguments against capital punishment.

8 Quotes Against Capital Punishment You have heard that is was said, “eye for eye, tooth for tooth.” But I tell you. Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:3-8 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the sight of everybody…Do not take revenge, my friends, be leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, “It is mine to revenge, I will repay.” Romans 12:17-19 We do not have the right, even in the case of those who have committed dreadful crimes including the murder of others, to take their lives as punishment. The united reform church believes that even the most depraved person is capable of reform and that it is societies role to offer to offer the possibility of reform through the systems of confinement an imprisonment which the state organises. Statement by the United Reform church quoted in What the churches say by C. Johnson

9 Some Christians believe that Capital Punishment can be used by Christians as the best way of preventing murder and keeping order in society. They believe this because; The Bible sets down the death penalty as the punishment for a number of crimes, so it is allowed by God

10 Immediately after giving the "thou shalt not kill" precept, the following two chapters list at least ten offenses punishable by death: All forms of murder, Striking, cursing parents, kidnapping, slaying an unborn child, owner of an animal that kills, Sorcery, bestiality, Idolater, Abducting people for slavery, Sabbath breaking,

11 Additional scriptures give even more reasons for putting one to death: Blasphemy, Adultery; Incest, Rape, False witnesses, Homosexuality, False prophets, Resisting judgment, Immorality before marriage but detected afterwards, Non-Levites coming near or into sacred areas or duties,

12 The RC Church and the C of England have not retracted their statements which permit the state to use capital punishment.

13 The Christian church itself used capital punishment in the past for heresy (holding beliefs different from the official church teachings). This means that capital punishment cannot be un-Christian.

14 Christian thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas argued that punishment in Christianity should reform the sinner and secure peace for society. However… He said that the peace of society is more important than the reform of the sinner, and that Christians can therefore use CP to preserve the peace of society.

15 These Christians would also use the non religious arguments in favour of Capital Punishment

16 Quotes for CP The Laws of the realm may punish Christian men with death for heinous and grievous offences. Article 37 of the thirty nine articles of the Church of England. If a man hates his neighbour and lies in wait for him, assaults and kills him and then flees to one of these cities, the elders of his town shall send for him, bring him back from the city and hand him over to the avenger of blood to die. Show him no pity. You must purge from Israel the guilt of shedding innocent blood. Deuteronomy 19:11-13


18 'Capital punishment can never be justified.' Discuss religious responses to this statement. 8AE Much depends on interpretation of scripture and traditions. Principle of forgiveness. 'Turn the other cheek' type principles. The Golden Rule. Non-Violence. Agents of God's justice on Earth. Sacred writings permit it/ban it. Key figures permit it/ban it.

19 Describe two religious views on retribution as a purpose of punishment. 4KU Not desirable – does not follow religious teachings Does not respect the dignity and rights of the offender Golden Rule God gives permission to carry out his justice on Earth sacred writings permit retributive punishment 'eye for an eye' type teaching.

20 What do you consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of these views of retribution? 6AE Strength Follows religious teachings. Allows justice to be seen to be done. Protects the innocent. Weakness Not forgiving. Against religious teachings. Does not look at the causes of crime. Should respect all life.

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