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Common Terms and Definitions Group Braking Action Reports.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Terms and Definitions Group Braking Action Reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Terms and Definitions Group Braking Action Reports

2 Mission Statement: Develop common definitions for pilot braking reports of Good/Fair(Medium)/Poor/Nil. Develop common guidelines for flight crew assessment of braking action conditions (how to take and report) Pirep to be made independent of runway length, aircraft type, crew experience Pirep to be made independent of runway length, aircraft type, crew experience Come up with a way to “un-nil” a runway Come up with a way to “un-nil” a runway Identify criteria that describes unsafe operations Identify criteria that describes unsafe operations Standardize terminology with ICAO Standardize terminology with ICAO

3 COMMON TERMS and DEFINITIONS GROUP Braking Action Term Definition Aircraft Reaction Runway Surface Condition ICAO Code MU Good More braking capability is available than is used in typical deceleration on a non-limiting runway (i.e., a runway with additional stopping distance available). Directional control good. Wet runway with a water depth of 1/8” or less Compacted snow with OAT below -15ºC ¾” or less of dry snow 5 0.40 & above Medium to Good 4 0.36 – 0.39 Medium Noticeably degraded braking condition. Expect and plan for a longer stopping distance such as might be expected on a packed or compacted snow–covered runway. Effective directional control. Compacted and sanded snow Compacted snow with an OAT above -15ºC Sanded ice 3 0.30 – 0.35 Medium to Poor 2 0.29 – 0.26 Poor Very degraded braking condition (a potential for hydroplaning). Expect and plan for a significantly longer stopping distance such as might be expected on an ice-covered runway. Directional control minimally effective. Wet snow Slush Wet runway with a water depth more than 1/8” Heavy rain Ice1 0.25 & below Nil Braking action is minimal to non- existent and/or directional control uncertain. Wet Ice

4 Proposed Metrics for Pilot Observations Thrust Reverser Use Thrust Reverser Use Directional Control Directional Control Anti Skid cycling Anti Skid cycling Brake pedal force used Brake pedal force used Deceleration rate Deceleration rate Referenced “turn off” point Referenced “turn off” point Auto Brake Setting Auto Brake Setting

5 “Nil” Draft Pilot Reporting Criteria (Max) Thrust reverser utilized until stop. Directional control dependant on aerodynamic forces only (modulated TR use). Poor directional control even while taxiing. Full brake application with little or no effect. (Full anti-skid cycling throughout rollout.) (Max) Thrust reverser utilized until stop. Directional control dependant on aerodynamic forces only (modulated TR use). Poor directional control even while taxiing. Full brake application with little or no effect. (Full anti-skid cycling throughout rollout.)

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