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Aim: What strategies can we use to keep our financial information safe online? Do Now: What do you do to protect your information online?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What strategies can we use to keep our financial information safe online? Do Now: What do you do to protect your information online?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Aim: What strategies can we use to keep our financial information safe online? Do Now: What do you do to protect your information online?

3 Digital Commerce or E-Commerce Buying and/or selling of goods and services on the internet

4 Public Vs. Private Computers What is the difference? Why does it matter? How does it impact your security?

5 Keeping Your Home Computer Safe Install a Spyware protection program-Spyware can compile emails, addresses, passwords and credit card numbers Always install your computer’s updates Install firewalls to protect your network/system

6 Using a Public Computer Safely Sign out or log out of any website that requires a password before you leave the computer Verify the site’s security Delete the browser’s history, including temporary files, cookies, and passwords

7 Recognizing a Secure Site Look for https:// instead of http:// Check for the lock icon somewhere in the browser window, not the website content click or double-click on the lock to verify the sites security Check for the “Site Seal” from some of the following companies: Verisign, GeoTrust,

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