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Scratch Game Medieval Math Group 2 Merbach, Weston Phillips, Gregory Willamson, Matthew Vest, Dustin Daspit, Anthony.

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2 Scratch Game Medieval Math Group 2 Merbach, Weston Phillips, Gregory Willamson, Matthew Vest, Dustin Daspit, Anthony

3  This Scratch Game covers math skills needed by 5th- 8 th Grades  In the game players will face questions ranging from simple addition to tough division  At the end of this game we hope players are able to use their math skill outside school and benefit from it  The next slide will cover the basics of the game

4  Upon starting up the game the player must press the green flag to begin  After pressing the green flag the player will be present the start of his Quest (shown in screen below)  The start will be a series of questions to get to know you  Following will be the true mastery of your skills (in math)  The next slide will cover some basic skills needed in the game

5  To beat this game you will need some serious math skill points to finish your quest  You will need to know  Addition  Subtraction  Multiplication  Division Its like a quest to master the skills of math  Next: Addition Basics

6  Addition  Its probably the easiest of all math  Adding is easy  You take to numbers and well add them together  Lets pretend the numbers are just a name for a group of lines (l- look at me im a line)  Like 1=l, 2=ll, and 3=lll and so on  And adding is like putting those lines together and counting  Except adding skips all those steps and well adds  Any question?  Next: Subtraction

7  Subtraction  Is very similar to addition  Instead of putting all the lines together  However many are in one set you take away from the other group  Like 10-5=5  Or llllllllll-lllll=lllll  Simple enough right ?  Next: Multiplication

8  Multiplication  Is very similar to adding in special cases  Multiplying looks like this 5*5=  Which in addition terms would look like  5+5+5+5+5= (its a group of 5's added five times  Questions about addition refer to slide on addition  Any Questions? Next: Division

9  Division  Like Multiplying only in reverse(harder than it sounds)  Division looks like this 25/5=  Basically a when dividing a person look for what make the second number look like the first  So it kinda come down to memory on what equals the first  So if memory serves 25=5*5  So you could substitute 25 with 5*5  Looking like 5*5/5  When the first number and the second are the same it equals one  So 5*5/5= 5*1  Which is one 5, so 25/5=5 Next: continue instructions

10  After giving your name and accepting the quest  The player will be asked a series of rigorous  If you answer correctly the wizard will protect you from the dragons flame allowing you to get closer to the key  Answer incorrectly and you will be sent back to the beginning  Next: Continuing

11  Next steps are a little bit harder  The player will need to know what to do with( )  Parentheses or ( ) always come first  The player needs to do the math inside them first  Once all ( ) are done then you may do all the math on the out side  This is all due to order of operations  Which goes like this  First Parentases  Then multply or divided which ever is first left to right  Then subtract or add which ever come first  Next: Continuing

12  Once you get past all the hard stuff things will get easier and then you will be able to escape  And if you do it perfect you will get some epic dialogue  Followed by the screen below THANKS AND HAVE FUN ON YOUR QUEST

13 Weston Merbach PowerPoint Gregory Phillips Modified M.M. Scratch game Matthew Williamson Modified M.M. Scratch game Dustin Vest Created M.M. Scratch game Anthony Despit Report ALL CREDIT GOES TO THESE AWESOME GAMERS

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