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Making a Note Card 90% of research is reading and taking notes. If your notes are neat and well organized, it will be easier to write your research paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a Note Card 90% of research is reading and taking notes. If your notes are neat and well organized, it will be easier to write your research paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a Note Card 90% of research is reading and taking notes. If your notes are neat and well organized, it will be easier to write your research paper. There are different ways to collect notes. For this research paper, you will make note cards. You must make 30 note cards from a variety of sources. You may have more than 30.

2 What information goes on the note card? Author of source (if available) One One fact from the source per card Page number (if available) Category (slug) This is how the card should look.

3 Example of note card See Rookie’s Guide page 7 for another example. Anderson1 The muscle controls eye movement. Pg.34 function

4 Example of a source card 1 Anderson, Paul. Looking At the Human Body. New York: Princeton Press, 2009.

5 What is a Works Cited Card? A works cited card is a card that provides the information of a resource used in research. You need to make a works cited card for every source you use. Using a source means you have collected information (made note cards) from the resource. You must use at least 3 different type of sources. This includes but are not limited to the following types of sources: books, magazines, journals, interviews, videos, television shows, web cites, encyclopedias (You may use only

6 What you need to know about your sources you may use?  You must have 5 or more sources.  You must use different type of sources. Basically, you can not use 5 web cites or encyclopedias.  The types of sources you may use include but are not limited to the following. books, magazines (only 2), journals, interviews, videos, television shows, web cites, encyclopedias (only 1 encyclopedia.) Wikipedia - use for ideas only, not as a source

7 What information goes on your source cards (work cited card)?  This information changes with the type source you are using.  It is important that you use the Rookie’s Guide to help you get the information in the correct order.  Pages 5-6 and 19-41

8 Example of a source card 1 Anderson, Paul. Looking At the Human Body. New York: Princeton Press, 2009.

9 Read the internet article “Does Reading Actually Change the Brain?” Make a note card and a source card (work cited) for it.

10 Answers for online magazine. Note card – answers will vary on fact. Clark-Emory 1 Changing occur in the resting-state connectivity of the brain after reading. Magazine from interneteffects 1 Clark-Emory, Carol. “Does Reading Actually Change the Brain?”. Futurity. 23 December 2013. 26 January 2015. < novels-leaves-shadow-activity-brain/>.

11 Read the internet article “What is Mad Cows Disease” Make a note card and a source card for it.

12 Brown 3 transmitted in cattle feed na (internet cite) source of transmission Note card 3 Brown, John C. (Jack). “What the Heck Is ‘Mad Cow’ Disease.” Jack’s BugIn the News. 24 Dec. 2003. 28 Jan. 2015..http://people.madcow.html Source card Author’s name or title of article - One fact Page number if book Source is no page number Source number Category or slug Use your Rookie’s Guide pages 19-41 for what to put. Use pages 4 and 5 for how it should look.

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