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 Currently 150 Million people worldwide suffering from diabetes and that number may double by the year 2025.  The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is dramatically.

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Presentation on theme: " Currently 150 Million people worldwide suffering from diabetes and that number may double by the year 2025.  The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is dramatically."— Presentation transcript:

1  Currently 150 Million people worldwide suffering from diabetes and that number may double by the year 2025.  The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is dramatically increasing among adolescents and teenages.  The death risk is 1.5 or 2.5 times bigger in people with diabetes than healthy people. Global Facts- Type 2 Diabetes WHO Technical Report series, No: 916, 2003

2  Yet, worldwide there is a pandemic of type II diabetes and associated metabolic syndrome continue to take up an important space.  More than 10 % developing end-stage renal disease unless effective measures of early detection and intervention programs are initiated.

3 Global Facts -Hypertension  Hypertension causes cerebrovascular diseases (62 %) and iskemic heart disease (49 %).  Worldwide, high blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.1 million (13%) deaths. The World Health Report, 2002

4 HYPERTENSION  High Incidence of Hypertension  Cardiovascular and Renal Risk Increase: In USA: - 2002….. 261.000 mortality - 2005…..expenditure is 59 billion USD. A Serious Public Health Problem..

5 The Studies on Hypertension Prevalance  WHO MONICA Project: Multinational MONİtoring of Trends and Determinants in CArdiovascular Disease  Closer Countries  Hypertension prevalence and Blood Pressure Levels in 6 European Countries, Canada and United States  NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey  WHO MONICA Project: Multinational MONİtoring of Trends and Determinants in CArdiovascular Disease  Closer Countries  Hypertension prevalence and Blood Pressure Levels in 6 European Countries, Canada and United States  NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

6 The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) The consequences are rather interesting:  In Indian Males in Rural Regions 3.4 %  In Polish Females 72 %  Incidence in developed countries 20-50 %

7 In our country ;  There are 15 million hypertensives in adult population.  40 percent of them are aware that having high blood pressure.  31 percent of them have anti hypertensive therapy. The Prevalance Studies on Hypertension in Turkey (2004 ) Turkish Hypertension and Renal Diseases Association.


9 World Kidney Day Campaign aimed to reach basic targets in longer term.  Industry, the organizations which don’t belong to governments  National or Worldwide related organizations  Performers of Education and Policy, Public started to globally promote the campaign.

10 The public health mandate is clear for governments  Detection and prevention are the most cost effective methods to address chronic kidney disease and its impact on diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

11  Worldwide, most individuals with chronic kidney disease or hypertension are not diagnosed until long after the illness has developed.  Moreover, when they are diagnosed, they too often are treated suboptimally or not at all.  In most parts of the world, once end-stage kidney failure occurs, patients do not have access to maintenance hemodialysis treatment or kidney transplantation  And simply die. THE REAL PROBLEMS WE FACE

12  For these problems, it is time to speak up and to speak clearly.  Because the extent and severity of kidney disease has not been appreciated for a long time.  Not only past, but also currently.  Moreover, the availability of easy methods for early detection and the proven benefits of preventive therapy are not widely known.  A day when attention to kidney disease is brought to the world’s population is timely.  It could also serve as a day to express appreciation for the billions of dollars of support for a disease that currently requires high- technology treatment.

13  A day when we have to emphasize that early detection is more important in treatment.


15  Cardiovascular complications can be prevented and effectively treated with  Intensive blood pressure control,  Glucose control in diabetic patients,  Lipid Lowering medications and use of kidney protective medications For instance: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers.

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