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Surrey Place Centre: Raising Awareness About Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Community Kelly Alves, Parent and Education Support Supervisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Surrey Place Centre: Raising Awareness About Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Community Kelly Alves, Parent and Education Support Supervisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surrey Place Centre: Raising Awareness About Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Community Kelly Alves, Parent and Education Support Supervisor

2 What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? A word used to describe a neuro-developmental disorder ASD changes an individuals brain These brain differences make communication and social interaction difficult People with ASD may do the same action repeatedly (flap hands, rock back and forth) ASD can impact how someone reacts to sensory information –Over/Under reactive ASD affects people differently –Often referred to as a ‘spectrum’


4 How is ASD Diagnosed? Doctors or psychologists do a series of ‘autism-specific’ evaluations with the child as well interviews with parents and caregivers Prior to 2013 a person could be diagnosed with a type of Autism Autistic Disorder Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) Asperger Syndrome Rett Syndrome Childhood Disintegrative Disorder As of May 2013 a revised assessment manual now uses one term – autism spectrum disorder

5 Describing Autism Spectrum Disorder Triad of Symptoms Social Interaction Repetitive Behaviour Communication Dyad of Symptoms Social Communication Interaction Repetitive Behaviour

6 How Common is ASD? It seems that we are hearing a lot about ASD Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 1 out of 68 children have ASD In Canada the prevalence of ASD is 1 in 77 children This is a significant increase over the last 40 years Recent report estimating 30,000-35,000 children with ASD in Ontario (Auditor’s Generals Report, 2013)

7 Common Interventions for ASD – Applied Behaviour Analysis Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a useful way to teach people with ASD ABA uses prompts and reinforcement to help individuals learn new skills Prompts are “gestures, demonstrations, touches or other things we do to help children will be correct” (McClannahan &Krantz, 1999, pg. 37) Reinforcement is a word used to describe rewards that follow an action


9 What is Surrey Place Centre? Surrey Place Centre is an accredited organization that provides specialized clinical services to children and adults with a developmental disability, ASD, or visual impairments Our vision is to enable full participation for people with developmental disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorders As an organization we value: –Collaboration –Accountability –Innovation –Respect –Responsiveness

10 Programs and Services at Surrey Place Centre Surrey Place Centre offers a range of services to children with ASD and their families Services use ABA teaching strategies to help children learn important skills needed to be successful at home and in the community Parent involvement is often an essential component of these service options

11 Services for Children with ASD Toronto Autism ABA Services: Free service for children 0-18 living in the Greater Toronto Area with a confirmed diagnosis of ASD Small groups using ABA strategies to develop communication, social skills, daily living skills and emotional regulation This service provides education to parents/caregivers on how to apply ABA strategies which will help their children learn, maintain and generalize skills

12 Services for Children with ASD - Continued Toronto Partnership for Autism Services (TPAS): The Toronto Partnership for Autism Services (TPAS) is a community-based service that helps children with autism and their families through Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) IBI is a scientifically proven intervention with the goal of increasing the rate of learning for children with autism When IBI is effective children show substantial improvement in language, cognitive ability, and adaptive behaviour Children have different outcomes, with research suggesting 40% to 50% of young children may make substantial progress over a 1 to 2 year period

13 Services for Children with ASD - Continued School Support Program Collaboration between the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and Ministry of Education Provide training and consultation to publicly funded school boards and school authorities TRE-ADD Program Comprehensive day treatment program that provides services for children and youth with autism and related developmental disorders with multiple and complex needs and their families

14 Where Can I Get More Information? Surrey Place Centre wants to make it easy for people to access our services Anyone may refer an individual with a developmental disability, autism spectrum disorder or visual impairment to Surrey Place Centre for assessment or treatment services Please visit our website for more information about eligibility for the programs and services discussed or to make a

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