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Successful Projects Antoinette Short Injury Prevention Partnership & Collaboration in the State of Oklahoma.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful Projects Antoinette Short Injury Prevention Partnership & Collaboration in the State of Oklahoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful Projects Antoinette Short Injury Prevention Partnership & Collaboration in the State of Oklahoma

2 Background 14 years of employment with Caddo Nation of Oklahoma 2000-2003: Community Health Representative (CHR) 2003-2014: Injury Prevention Coordinator Training and certifications Certification-Injury Prevention Levels I & II 2008-2009 Injury Prevention Fellowship National Certified First Responder/Emergency Medical Responder National Certified CPS Technician/Instructor Injury Prevention at Caddo Nation 2000-2005 and 2005-2010: Indian Health Service Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreements Program (TIPCAP) Focus: variety of injury prevention issues 2010-2014: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Tribal Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention Program (TMVIPP) Focus: increasing restraint use; reducing DUI

3 TMVIPP Project Background Four-year Funding Cycle (2010-2014) Caddo was one of eight funded tribes in United States Program Purpose: tailor, implement, and evaluate AI/AN community-based strategies with demonstrated effectiveness for preventing motor vehicle injuries. Project Goal: Reduce motor vehicle injury related death and disability among Caddo Nation and other American Indian/Alaska Natives living in Caddo County, Oklahoma

4 TMVIPP Project Objectives Objective 1: Increase child restraint use by 5% by September 2014 among Caddo Nation and other Caddo County American Indians Tribal members who attend/participate in selected Tribal Head Start Centers (Caddo and Kiowa), the WIC Program, Well Baby Clinic, and/or day care centers. Objective 1: Increase child restraint use by 5% by September 2014 among Caddo Nation and other Caddo County American Indians Tribal members who attend/participate in selected Tribal Head Start Centers (Caddo and Kiowa), the WIC Program, Well Baby Clinic, and/or day care centers. Objective 2: Increase seatbelt use among Caddo Nation and other American Indians living in Caddo County, Oklahoma to match the state rate by 2014. Objective 2: Increase seatbelt use among Caddo Nation and other American Indians living in Caddo County, Oklahoma to match the state rate by 2014. Objective 3: Reduce alcohol impaired driving in Caddo County by reducing alcohol-related Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries and Fatalities by 5% by 2014. Objective 3: Reduce alcohol impaired driving in Caddo County by reducing alcohol-related Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries and Fatalities by 5% by 2014.

5 Project Support & Opportunities Stakeholders & Partnerships Oklahoma Highway PatrolOklahoma Highway Patrol Oklahoma Highway Safety OfficeOklahoma Highway Safety Office BIA Law EnforcementBIA Law Enforcement Anadarko, Binger, Carnegie- City Law EnforcementAnadarko, Binger, Carnegie- City Law Enforcement Anadarko and Binger Fire Department.Anadarko and Binger Fire Department. Caddo County SchoolsCaddo County Schools Oklahoma Safe Kids CoalitionOklahoma Safe Kids Coalition Anadarko Daily NewsAnadarko Daily News Radio Station (KRPT)Radio Station (KRPT) Settles Studio Bridal LoftSettles Studio Bridal Loft

6 Project Support & Opportunities Stakeholders & Partnerships (continued) Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance AbuseOklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Area Prevention Resource Center & Substance Abuse Prevention (APRC)Area Prevention Resource Center & Substance Abuse Prevention (APRC) Oklahoma Prevention Policy AllianceOklahoma Prevention Policy Alliance Oklahoma State Health DepartmentOklahoma State Health Department State Board Membership Oklahoma Injury Prevention Advisory Committee Oklahoma Injury Prevention Advisory Committee Oklahoma Safe Kids Executive Board Oklahoma Safe Kids Executive Board Oklahoma Metro Area Traffic Safety Oklahoma Metro Area Traffic Safety Oklahoma Safety Council Oklahoma Safety Council Oklahoma Native American EMS Association Oklahoma Native American EMS Association

7 Keys to a Successful Collaboration Equally beneficial to achieve common goals Shared concerns – commitment to goal/cause/issuesShared concerns – commitment to goal/cause/issues Broad-base involvementBroad-base involvement Support of established authoritiesSupport of established authorities Respect and trustRespect and trust Commitment, timingCommitment, timing Share vision and ideasShare vision and ideas Gain Community SupportGain Community Support Recognition of partners supportRecognition of partners support Acquire training for new skills for partnersAcquire training for new skills for partners Attain longevity of partnershipAttain longevity of partnership Group power by valuing and incorporating diversity groupGroup power by valuing and incorporating diversity group

8 TMVIPP Accomplishments Motor Vehicle Crash Data Data collected from Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (for Caddo County, OK)Data collected from Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (for Caddo County, OK) Downward trends for both MVC injury and MVC fatalityDownward trends for both MVC injury and MVC fatality Child Safety Seat Use Observational surveys show increased use by 32% from Year II to IVObservational surveys show increased use by 32% from Year II to IV Seatbelt use data collected by observation surveys Observational surveys show increased use by 3.4% from Year I to IV (still below state rate)Observational surveys show increased use by 3.4% from Year I to IV (still below state rate) Alcohol-involved MVC Injuries or Fatalities Data collected from Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (for Caddo County) shows decrease of 55.6% from Year 2010 to 2013.Data collected from Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (for Caddo County) shows decrease of 55.6% from Year 2010 to 2013.

9 None of us is as smart as all of us! --Edward C. Register, 1915 Cooperation! What a word! Each working with all, and all working with each! --Warren Bennis, 1996

10 Thank You!

11 Questions? Antoinette ShortAntoinette Short Phone: 405.638.0456Phone: 405.638.0456 Email: antoinette.toni.short@gmail.comEmail:

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