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Refresher: Background on Federal and State Requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Refresher: Background on Federal and State Requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refresher: Background on Federal and State Requirements

2 Early Childhood Outcomes Center2 Objectives Understand the purposes of the child outcomes data collection Be familiar with key considerations related to accurately completing the Child Outcomes Summary Form Be able to evaluate child outcomes data for accuracy as part of supervision Understand the use of child outcomes data for program improvement, including for instruction, resource allocation, and professional development

3 Early Childhood Outcomes Center3 Why are we doing this?

4 Early Childhood Outcomes Center4 Keeping our eye on the prize: High quality services for children and families that will lead to good outcomes.

5 Early Childhood Outcomes Center5 Goal of early childhood special education “… To enable young children to be active and successful participants during the early childhood years and in the future in a variety of settings – in their homes with their families, in child care, in preschool or school programs, and in the community.” (from Early Childhood Outcomes Center,

6 Early Childhood Outcomes Center6 High Quality Data on Outcomes Data are a piece of a system that helps to achieve overarching goals for children and families Data yield Evidence that allows you to make an inference that should lead to specific actions to improve the system.

7 Prof’l Development Preservice Inservice System for Producing Good Child and Family Outcomes Good Federal policies and programs Good State policies and programs High quality services and supports for children 0-5 and their families Good outcomes for children and families Good Local policies and programs Adequate funding Strong Leadership

8 Early Childhood Outcomes Center8 The Vision: Using Data as a Tool for Program Improvement States will have quality data available on an ongoing basis about multiple components of the system Outcomes for children and families Programs and services provided Personnel (types, qualifications, etc.) Etc.

9 Early Childhood Outcomes Center9 Driving Force for Data on Child Outcomes Comes from the Federal Level Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

10 Early Childhood Outcomes Center10 Requires goals and indicators be established for IDEA Indicators and data collection further along for school age population than for EC Previously, for early childhood data had been collected on: Number of children served Settings Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) passed in 1993

11 Early Childhood Outcomes Center11 130 programs examined in 2002; 50% programs had no performance data Programs looking at inputs, not results Part C and Section 619  No long-term child outcome goals or data  Need to develop a strategy to collect annual performance data in a timely manner PART evaluation results (2002)



14 Early Childhood Outcomes Center14 Federal Funding for Preschool Special Education Total U.S. 2004$387,699,000 2005$381,385,691 2006$380,751,030

15 Early Childhood Outcomes Center15

16 Early Childhood Outcomes Center16 SEC. 616. > MONITORING, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, AND ENFORCEMENT. ``(a) Federal and State Monitoring.- ….. ….. ``(2) Focused monitoring.--The primary focus of Federal and State monitoring activities described in paragraph (1) shall be on-- ``(A) improving educational results and functional outcomes for all children with disabilities; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

17 Early Childhood Outcomes Center17 How Office of Special Education (OSEP) responded Required states to submit outcome data in their Annual Performance Report (APR) Funded the Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) Center to do research, make recommendations, and assist states

18 Early Childhood Outcomes Center18 Where are we now: Federal reporting requirements

19 Early Childhood Outcomes Center19 OSEP Reporting Requirements: the Outcomes Positive social emotional skills (including positive social relationships) Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/ communication [and early literacy]) Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs

20 Early Childhood Outcomes Center20 OSEP Reporting Categories Percentage of children who: a.Did not improve functioning b.Improved functioning, but not sufficient to move nearer to functioning comparable to same-aged peers c.Improved functioning to a level nearer to same- aged peers but did not reach it d.Improved functioning to reach a level comparable to same-aged peers e.Maintained functioning at a level comparable to same-aged peers 3 outcomes x 5 “measures” = 15 numbers

21 Early Childhood Outcomes Center21 Reporting Schedule Due February 2008 Data in reporting categories at exit for all children who have been in the program for at least 6 months Must be reported for the year beginning July 1, 2006 Repeat with next year’s data in 2009, etc. 2010 States must set targets Summary statements for targets recommended; not yet official* States must report data to public by school districts for these target numbers * See for more information on recommended targets

22 Early Childhood Outcomes Center22 Where are we now: State decisions and activities

23 Early Childhood Outcomes Center23 To respond to federal reporting requirements To have data for program improvement and to respond to federal reporting requirements Purpose WHY? (State Version)

24 Early Childhood Outcomes Center24 To provide data to the state To have data for program improvement and to provide data to the state Purpose WHY? (Local Version)

25 Early Childhood Outcomes Center25 State approaches Most states have embraced outcomes measurement and are collecting outcomes data for their own purposes. Many states are building bigger systems than needed to produce the federal data. Go to for more information about what other states are doing

26 Early Childhood Outcomes Center26 How are states collecting child outcomes data? Possible state approaches to collection of child data Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) Publisher’s online assessment system Single assessment statewide Other approaches

27 Approach Part C (56 states) Preschool (59 states) One tool statewide 8/56 (14%) 13/59 (22%) Multiple Publishers’ online tools 2/56 (4%) 3/59 (5%) COSF 7 pt. scale 40/56 (71%) 36/59 (61%) Other 6/56 (11%) 7/59 (12%) State Approaches to Measuring Child Outcomes

28 Early Childhood Outcomes Center28 Checking in – How is it going? Implementing the Child Outcomes Process What is going well? What is not going well? Are there other issues or concerns that need to be addressed about the process?

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