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Australia. Australia is an island and a continent situated in the southern hemisphere. So the seasons are reversed. When it is day time in Europe it is.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia. Australia is an island and a continent situated in the southern hemisphere. So the seasons are reversed. When it is day time in Europe it is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia

2 Australia is an island and a continent situated in the southern hemisphere. So the seasons are reversed. When it is day time in Europe it is night time in Australia. Most cities are on the coast and there are deserts in the centre. Australia is part of the Commonwealth. So the Queen of England is also the Queen of Australia.

3 Sydney is a big modern city with a lot of skyscrapers, an Opera house, a big bridge and fantastic beaches but it also has beautiful Victorian architecture.

4 The Sydney harbour bridge has 8 vehicle lanes, 2 train lines, a cycle lane and a pedestrian lane.

5 The Sydney Opera house is a beautiful structure in the form of an oyster. It is situated on Sydney harbour and is considered one of the wonders of the modern world.

6 The Great Barrier Reef

7 Queensland has a population of 3,6 million.The Great Barrier Reef is in Queensland. There are magnificent beaches, rainforests and the Outback region, which is bigger than Texas. Queensland is called «The Sunshine State » because it is always sunny.

8 The Great Barrier Reef is composed over of 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 3,300 kilometres over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres.

9 Bondi  Beach Bondi beach is located 7 kilometres east of Sydney. Bondi beach is the most famous beach. Bondi beach is very long: 1200 miles

10 KOALAS Koalas are now protected. Females produce a baby each year. A baby weighs 0,5 g and lives in the mother’s pouch for about five or six months. Koalas generally sleep 19 hours a day and spend the rest of the time eating eucalyptus.

11 Grey kangaroos Grey kangaroos are the world’s largest living marsupialsoften standing over two metres tall. They live on a vegeterian diet.


13 The cockatoo The cockatoo raises its crest when angry The cockatoo raises its crest when angry

14 The kookaburra Kookaburras often live for 20 years and they form couples for life Kookaburras often live for 20 years and they form couples for life

15 The rainbow lorikeer The rainbow lorikeer has become a tourist attraction in Queensland The rainbow lorikeer has become a tourist attraction in Queensland

16 The galah The galah has beautiful pink and grey feathers The galah has beautiful pink and grey feathers


18 The emu is the world’s largest bird but it can’t fly. The female lays up to twenty eggs in the nest and then leaves.

19 The male incubates them and looks after the chicks for eighteen months.

20 Références iconographiques

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