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Presentation on theme: "CHEW JEOPARDY! CHEW DOUBLEJEOPARDY! Test your chew knowledge Know What’s In Your Mouth CHEW DOUBLEJEOPARDY!"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEW JEOPARDY! CHEW DOUBLEJEOPARDY! Test your chew knowledge Know What’s In Your Mouth CHEW DOUBLEJEOPARDY!

2 Instructions There are five colour-coded topic areas Split the class into groups Ask one group to pick a topic and question (from 100 to 400) points. Click on the question amount and read the question out loud. The group that chose the question will give their answer. Click on the question to receive the answer. Click on the answer to go back to the main board. When you return to the main board the value (number) will disappear to let you know the question has been answered. After all questions have been answered, or you have run out of time, the groups tally their points, and the group with the highest point value is the winning group.

3 Quit the Spit Expose the Truth That’s Gross! How They Sell the Stuff 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 Click on the number to reveal the question What You’re in For 200 400 600 800

4 200 Points Question: This is a great substitute for chew, if you are looking to quit Click on the question to reveal the answer.

5 200 Points Answer: One of: What is tobacco-free; sugarless gum; hard candy; beef jerky; sunflower seeds; shredded coconut; raisins; or dried fruit? Click on answer to return to game board.

6 400 Points Question: If one tin of chew costs $3 and you use 1 tin per day for 50 years, how much money will you spend in your lifetime on chew? Click on the question to reveal the answer.

7 400 Points Answer: What is $54,750? Click on answer to return to game board.

8 600 Points Question : One reason to quit is because you don’t want to be one of this number of Ontarians who die EVERY DAY due to tobacco related causes Click on the question to reveal the answer.

9 600 Points Answer : What is 36? Click on answer to return to game board.

10 800 Points Question : This resource is available with one quick phone call, to anyone wanting to quit using tobacco; it’s not just for cigarettes! Click on the question to reveal the answer.

11 800 Points Answer : What is Smokers Helpline ( or 1- 877-513- 5333)? Click on answer to return to game board.

12 200 Points Question: This is the most preventable cause of death worldwide Click on the question to reveal the answer.

13 200 Points Answer : What is tobacco use? Click on answer to return to game board.

14 400 Points Question: Holding a dip or chew in your mouth for 30 minutes exposes you to as much nicotine as smoking this many cigarettes Click on the question to reveal the answer.

15 Click on answer to return to game board. 400 Points Answer: What is 3?

16 600 Points Question: This kills more Canadians than AIDS, drugs, homicides, fires and car accidents combined. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

17 600 Points Answer: What is tobacco? Click on answer to return to game board.

18 800 Points Question: Think everyone is using chew? This is the actual percentage of Ontario high school students who used chew in the year before the 2011 Ontario Student Drug Use Health Survey Click on the question to reveal the answer.

19 800 Points Answer: What is 5.9%? Click on answer to return to game board.

20 200 Points Question: 50% of tobacco users between the ages of 18 and 29 that say they want to do this. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

21 200 Points Answer: What is quit? Click on answer to return to game board.

22 400 Points Question: A good way to tell that your friend uses chew is if they carry this around with them. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

23 400 Points Answer: What is a “spit bottle/cup” OR a chew tin ring on their pocket? Click on answer to return to game board.

24 600 Points Question: 100% of chew users will have this. No one will want to talk to them. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

25 600 Points Answer: What is bad breath? Click on answer to return to game board.

26 800 Points Question: This will be a deterrent for your significant other to give you a kiss. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

27 800 Points Answer: What are cracked, bleeding lips, bad breath? Click on answer to return to game board.

28 600 Points Answer: What is bad breath? Click on answer to return to game board.

29 200 Points Question: What is commonly added to chew to make it more appealing? Click on the question to reveal the answer.

30 200 Points Answer: What is candy flavouring? Click on answer to return to game board.

31 400 Points Question: Chew packaging is often made flashy to attract what age group? Click on the question to reveal the answer.

32 400 Points Answer: Who are youth? Click on answer to return to game board.

33 600 Points Question: This term was created by the tobacco industry to promote the idea that chew tobacco is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

34 600 Points Answer: What is smokeless tobacco? Click on answer to return to game board.

35 800 Points Question: This substance, found in tobacco, has been found to be as addictive as heroin and cocaine, and the tobacco industry uses it to keep you hooked for life Click on the question to reveal the answer.

36 800 Points Answer: What is nicotine? Click on answer to return to game board.

37 200 Points Question: This early warning sign of oral cancer is characterized by white leathery patches in the mouth. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

38 200 Points Answer: What is leukoplakia? Click on answer to return to game board.

39 400 Points Question: This substance that protects our teeth is worn away due to chew tobacco use, resulting in a yellowish brown smile. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

40 400 Points Answer: What is enamel? Click on answer to return to game board.

41 600 Points Question: If you use chew you will likely have increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeats, in the long term these symptoms my lead to this. Click on the question to reveal the answer.

42 600 Points Answer: What is a heart attack OR a stroke Click on answer to return to game board.

43 800 Points Question: About this percent of people develop white patches in their mouth due to chew use. These white patches can turn into cancer Click on the question to reveal the answer.

44 800 Points Answer: What is 70%? Click on answer to return to game board.

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