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A Guide to Answering Constructed Response Questions

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Presentation on theme: "A Guide to Answering Constructed Response Questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Guide to Answering Constructed Response Questions
Becoming a R.A.C.E Expert A Guide to Answering Constructed Response Questions

2 R.A.C.E. Restate the question Answer the question
Cite evidence to support answer Expand/Explain

3 R- Restate R-Restate the question
The first step in creating a successful short answer is to R-Restate the question

4 How would you restate this question?
R-Restate Let’s practice RESTATING the question! Example: How did the Three Little Pigs show courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf? How would you restate this question? Make it a sentence!!

5 Here is one way to RESTATE this question:
R-Restate How did the Three Little Pigs show courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf? Here is one way to RESTATE this question: The Three Little Pigs showed courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf…

6 Restate the following questions on a sheet of paper-
Now it’s your turn! Restate the following questions on a sheet of paper- What is your favorite movie?

7 Restate the following questions on a sheet of paper
Now it’s your turn! Restate the following questions on a sheet of paper Why are vegetables important to eat at every meal?

8 Restate the following questions on a sheet of paper-
Now it’s your turn! Restate the following questions on a sheet of paper- 3) What was the author trying to teach us in The Three Little Pigs?

9 Now you have to answer the question CORRECTLY!
A-Answer Now you have to answer the question CORRECTLY! “I think… because” I believe… because”

10 Here is what we have so far:
A-Answer Here is what we have so far: The Three Little Pigs showed courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf Finish the sentence…

11 A-Answer You could say… The Three Little Pigs showed courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf by tricking the Big Bad Wolf to come down the chimney.

12 1) What is your favorite movie?
Now you try it! Go back to the questions you Restated earlier. Now add your answer. Write them on your paper. 1) What is your favorite movie?

13 Now you try it! 2) Why are vegetables important to eat at every meal?

14 Now you try it! 3) What was the author trying to teach us in The Three Little Pigs?

15 The reason or QUOTE MUST PROVE your answer.
C-Cite Evidence After RESTATING the question, answering the question CORRECTLY, you must then C – Cite evidence to PROVE YOUR ANSWER You should give a reason or use a QUOTE from the passage to support your answer. The reason or QUOTE MUST PROVE your answer.

16 “In the reading passage…” “In the story…”
C-Cite Evidence “In the reading passage…” “In the story…”

17 C-Cite Evidence Remember our example: How did the Three Little Pigs show courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf? Here is the beginning of our answer: The Three Little Pigs showed courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf by tricking the Big Bad Wolf to come down the chimney. How do I prove that my answer is correct?

18 C-Cite Evidence The Three Little Pigs showed courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf by tricking the Big Bad Wolf to come down the chimney. Which quote would best support this answer? A) “The third little pig built his house out of bricks.” B) “The three little pigs called the wolf into the house by asking him to come down the chimney.” C) “The three little pigs quickly put the lid on the boiling pot of water.”

19 C-Cite Evidence Here is my ANSWER with PROOF:
The Three Little Pigs showed courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf by tricking the Big Bad Wolf to come down the chimney. I know this because in the story the three little pigs called the wolf into the house by asking him to come down the chimney.

20 E- Expand/Explain After RESTATING the question, answering the question CORRECTLY, and CITING EVIDENCE you can wrap it up with any other information that might add to your paragraph.

21 “I remember another story that was similar to… because…”
E- Expand/Explain “In my school…” “I remember another story that was similar to… because…” “In my experience…” “In my opinion…”

22 E- Expand/Explain Here is my ANSWER with expanding:
The Three Little Pigs showed courage in their fight against the Big Bad Wolf by tricking the Big Bad Wolf to come down the chimney. I know this because in the story the three little pigs called the wolf into the house by asking him to come down the chimney. In my opinion people who face their problems rather than running away show more courage and bravery.

23 You Are Now A R.A.C.E Expert
How You Will Be Scored: 1 point- I restated the question. 1 point- I provided the correct answer. 1 point- I proved the answer with detail from the text. (highlight article on where you found support in your answer) 1 point- I re-read my answer, and it makes sense. 1 point- I have used proper grammar and punctuation 5 Total Points Possible

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