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The three little pigs grew so quickly that one day they decided to go out into the wide, wide world!

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2 The three little pigs grew so quickly that one day they decided to go out into the wide, wide world!
Their mother said" look out for Big Bad Wolf”. The three pigs will build their houses.

3 The three little pigs met a man carrying some straw
The three little pigs met a man carrying some straw. “Please give me some straw” said the first little pig. “I will build a house of straw for myself”.

4 The little pig built a fine house of straw and went inside the house.
The little pig said “now the wolf will not catch and eat me”.

5 The other two little pigs met a man who was carrying some sticks
The other two little pigs met a man who was carrying some sticks. “Please give me some sticks,” said the second little pig. “I want to build a house of stick for myself”.

6 The little pig built a fine house of stick and went inside the house.
The little pig said “now the wolf will not catch and eat me’. The third little pig went on by himself.

7 Soon little pig met a man who was carrying some bricks
Soon little pig met a man who was carrying some bricks. “please give me some bricks,” said the third little pig. “I want to build a house of bricks for myself”.

8 The little pig built a fine house of bricks and went inside the house.
The little pig said “now the wolf will not catch and eat me”.

9 The wolf came to the house of straw
The wolf came to the house of straw.' “Little pig little pig let me come in” said the wolf. But the pig replied “No, no, no I will not let you in.” “ Then I will huff, puff and I will blow your house in!” said the wolf

10 So the wolf huffed and he puffed and huffed and he puffed.
The house of straw fell down, and the wolf ate up the first little pig.

11 Next day the wolf came to the house of sticks
Next day the wolf came to the house of sticks." Little pig, little pig, let me come in,” he said. But the second little pig replied “No, no, no I will not let you in.” “ Then I will huff, puff and I will blow your house in!” said the wolf

12 So the wolf huffed and he puffed and huffed and he puffed.
The house of sticks fell down, and the wolf ate up the second little pig.

13 The next day the wolf came to the house of bricks
The next day the wolf came to the house of bricks. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in,” the wolf said. But the pig replied “No, no, no I will not let you in.” “ Then I will huff, puff and I will blow your house in!” said the wolf

14 So the wolf huffed and he puffed and huffed and he puffed.
But the house of bricks did not fall down!

15 The wolf became very angry and he went to the little pig’s house and he cried.
” I will climb down your chimney and I will eat you up!”

16 The little pig scared but he did not say any thing.
He put a very big pot of water on the fire to boil and waited.

17 The wolf clambered down the chimney.
He lands right in the pot of boiling water. Third little pig: Dinner time!

18 And that was the end of the big bad wolf

19 Little pig said I learned that:
“ You should think what is the proper materials, to make any object or any thing before you start your work”

20 Thank you Aisha

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