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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 A BCDE.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 A BCDE."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 A BCDE

2 Question Column 1-100 What is speed?

3 Answer Column 1-100 Distance traveled over a period of time

4 Question Column 1-200 What force causes planes to land?

5 Answer Column 1-200 Gravity or air resistance

6 Question Column 1-300 True or False If you push on an object, the object pushes on you.

7 Answer Column 1-300 True

8 Question Column 1-400 Draw a graph that shows a car speeding up and then stopping

9 Answer Column 1-400 The graph will show a line going up and then horizontal.

10 Question Column 1-500 Missy, Soni, and Sally are all swim on a swim team. Missy swims the 50 meters in 10 seconds, Sally swims the 100 meters in 50 second, and Soni swims the 200 meters in 10 seconds. Rank the order from 1 (slow) to 3 (fast).

11 Answer Column 1-500 Soni 20 m/sec Missy 5 m/sec Sally 2 m/sec

12 Question Column 2-100 If you want to find out if your dog or cat is the fastest, what two things do you need to measure?

13 Answer Column 2-100 Time and distance

14 Question Column 2-200 In the ramp experiment, which ramp height will give the car the most speed?

15 Answer Column 2-200 The higher the ramp, the faster the speed

16 Question Column 2-300 What are three things a force can do to an object?

17 Answer Column 2-300 Speed up, slow down or change direction

18 Question Column 2-400 What is an unbalanced force and give me an example.

19 Answer Column 2-400 An unequal force causing an object to move. Examples – motion of some sort.

20 Question Column 2-500 ObjectWeight Eraser1.5 grams Paper0.5 grams Paper clip1.0 grams If a student uses a rubber band to launch the items above, which item will go the farthest and why do you think so?

21 Answer Column 2-500 The piece of paper because it is the lightest.

22 Question Column 3-100 What is motion?

23 Answer Column 3-100 A change in position

24 Question Column 3-200 Which item would have the largest gravitational pull? A basketball, a marble, a bowling ball or they all have the same pull

25 Answer Column 3-200 A bowling ball

26 Question Column 3-300 If several people push a stalled car, what force is overcome at the moment the car begins to move?

27 Answer Column 3-300 friction

28 Question Column 3-400 In our labs which two forces can make an object move faster?

29 Answer Column 3-400 Applying more force, Raise the ramp, Having less weight

30 Question Column 3-500 TrialWeightNewtonsSpeed 1500 g1035 m/sec 21000 g10 In the experiment above, what is the speed of the second trial? Why do you think so?

31 Answer Column 3-500 The speed should be half or 17.5 m/sec because if you double the weight, you cut the speed in half.

32 Question Column 4-100 How can you make an object move?

33 Answer Column 4-100 Apply a force

34 Question Column 4-200 What is an balanced force? Give me an example

35 Answer Column 4-200 An object at rest. Examples vary

36 Question Column 4-300 In our lab of the weight vs speed we had a plastic ball, a wooden ball and a steel ball. What was the conclusion?

37 Answer Column 4-300 The heavier the object, the more speed it would have.

38 Question Column 4-400 In our ramp experiment, identify the 2 forces acting on the car and describe the forces.

39 Answer Column 4-400 Gravity – pulls the car down the ramp Air resistance or friction slows the car Upward push – holds the car above the carpet Friction – slows the car down

40 Question Column 4-500 I have 3 pieces of wood, A, B or C, and 3 nails of equal length. If it takes 5 Newtons to sink a nail into A 15 Newtons to sink a nail into B 2 Newtons to sink a nail into C What can you tell me about the hardness of the wood A, B, C?

41 Answer Column 4-500 B is the Hardest A is the middle C is the softest

42 Question Column 5-100 What is a Newton?

43 Answer Column 5-100 A measure of Force

44 Question Column 5-200 If I have 2 shopping carts, L and E. L weighs 50 Kg E weighs 75 Kg If they both roll down a hill, which shopping cart will require more force to stop and why?

45 Answer Column 5-200 Shopping Cart E because it is heavier

46 Question Column 5-300 How much force will be needed to move the 500 g weight? TrialWeightNewtonsSpeed 1500 g 22500 g10

47 Answer Column 5-300 2 N

48 Question Column 5-400 We place 5 books in the wagon and pull it with a spring scale. Then we place 10 books in the wagon and pull it with a spring scale. What is the variable that we are testing?

49 Answer Column 5-400 The weight or number of books

50 Question Column 5-500 Place the trucks in order of their speed from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest). TruckDistanceTime M144 miles12 min N225 miles15 min S110 miles11 min T205 miles10 min

51 Answer Column 5-500 Highest (4) is Truck T(20.5mi/min) 3 is is Truck N (15 mi/min) 2 is Truck M (12mi/min) Slowest (1) is Truck S (10mi/min)

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