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Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Family Dynamics What defines a family- Presented by: Nathan R. Basford, Jr. Florida State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Family Dynamics What defines a family- Presented by: Nathan R. Basford, Jr. Florida State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Family Dynamics What defines a family- Presented by: Nathan R. Basford, Jr. Florida State University

2 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity OBJECTIVES: How does society look at the family? How do states look at the family today? How does the Federal Government look at the family? How does the Dept. of Ed. Define family/household members? What is ahead for 2014-15? How do we as financial aid professionals work with students and parents when talking about the modern family? 2

3 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity The Family What defines a “family” today? 3

4 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Types of Families Traditional Single Other 4

5 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity The Modern Family 5

6 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity How do states look at the family today? State Laws: – Civil Unions – Civil unions provide legal recognition to the couples relationship, provides legal rights similar to those accorded to spouses – Domestic Partnerships – grant some or all state level spousal rights to unmarried couples 6

7 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity How do states look at the family today? 7

8 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity How do states look at the family today? 8

9 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity How does the Federal government look at the family today? The Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) Supreme Court Decisions * United States v. Windsor 9

10 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity How does the Department of Education define family – household members? A student/parent is considered “married” if the student/parent was legally married in any domestic or foreign jurisdiction that recognizes that relationship as a legal marriage, regardless of where the couple resides This determination applies to same sex or opposite sex couples. This determination does not apply to domestic partnership, civil unions, or similar formal relationships recognized under state law 10

11 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity How does the Department of Education define family – household members? If student marital status on the date the FAFSA was completed was “married” they will need to provide spouse’s information regardless of gender If student is dependent and both biological and/or adoptive parents reside in the same household, both parents’ information must be provided regardless of their marital status or gender 11

12 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity So what’s ahead for 2014-2015? FAFSA updated to accommodate same-sex parental data for dependent students FAFSA updated to allow a new marital status of “unmarried” - this allows the data for legal parents living in the same household to be collected, even if unmarried Will lead to changes in how the family is viewed throughout the entire financial aid system 12

13 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity So what’s ahead for 2014-2015? 13

14 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity So what’s ahead for 2014-2015? 14

15 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity IRS Update Treasury and IRS Announce that all Legal Same-Sex marriages will be recognized for federal tax purposes; Ruling provides certainty, benefits and protections under the Federal Tax Law for Same-Sex Married Couples Revenue Ruling 2013-17 along with updated Frequently Asked Questions for same- sex couples and updated FAQs for registered domestic partners and individuals in civil unions are available on 15

16 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Financial Aid Professionals Key to application of the new rules: Education Awareness 16

17 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Working with Families 17 You may see various family types other than those you are familiar with: Be sensitive You may have to ask for additional documentation in some cases to be able to determine what the student/parent should be reporting You are not required to collect marital status documentation, however you may if clarification is needed

18 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Working with Families 18 Be sure to update your policies and procedures to take into account the “modern family” Ensure frontline staff is adequately trained and is able to disseminate accurate information Remember Marriage is not the same as domestic partnerships or civil unions

19 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Working with Families 19 What have you seen? What do you think you will see? What have you done in preparation to deal with the changing landscape of the family and in turn the definition of household members?

20 Driving Uncertainty into Opportunity Questions

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