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Computer Coding Learning a New Language. Coding/ Programming BrainPop- Parts of a Computer Khan Academy: What is Programming?

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Coding Learning a New Language. Coding/ Programming BrainPop- Parts of a Computer Khan Academy: What is Programming?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Coding Learning a New Language

2 Coding/ Programming BrainPop- Parts of a Computer Khan Academy: What is Programming?


4 Box Maze Crawl through the maze and make sure all the pieces are in the right place and turned the right way for it to work!

5 Coding Coding a computer is like giving someone directions to get through a maze. We just have to learn how to give directions in a way that the computer understands.

6 BotLogic Give the robot commands by clicking the arrows. Pay special attention to the coding that is in the black box. In a few minutes, you will be writing code to direct someone through our box maze.

7 Coding Our Maze What does each code start with? What words give direction? How do we show how many times to do that direction?

8 Let’s Practice Together Write the code for this maze.

9 You Try It! Write the code for our box maze!

10 Code Monster Code Monster lets you explore the basics of Java script. Follow the instructions of the code monster to discover how Java script works!

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