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Introduction to meta-analysis in Review Manager (RevMan).

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to meta-analysis in Review Manager (RevMan)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to meta-analysis in Review Manager (RevMan).
Ewelina Rogozinska CT Data Assistant/Researcher Women's Health Research Unit

2 The systematic review process
Formulate research question Design search strategy Search bibliographic databases Further selection of primary studies using inclusion criteria Identify possible papers from titles/abstracts Retrieve papers Quality appraisal Extract data Synthesis Formulate research / policy conclusions

3 Session overview Brief introduction What do we use RevMan for?
Setting up RevMan file Practical part Adding studies Add outcome Data entry Conducting meta-analysis Add new comparison Introducing subgroups Generating plots and graphs Introduction to meta-analysis in RevMan Ewelina Rogozinska

4 Working with RevMan Review Manager (RevMan) - software used for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews. You can use RevMan for protocols and full reviews. It is most useful when you have formulated the question for the review and allows you to: prepare the text, build the tables showing the characteristics of studies and the comparisons in the review, add study data, perform meta-analyses and present the results graphically. It can be downloaded from Cochrane web page

5 Tasks Add two new studies: Mardones 2007 and Zhou 2012
Add new outcome ‘Birth weight (g)’ under comparison ‘Fish oils’ and specify: Type of data: continuous Analysis model: random Effect measure: mean difference Analysis details: totals and subtotals Graph details To outcome ‘Birth weight (g)’ add studies: Mardones 2007 and Zhou 2012 Transfer earlier extracted data for birth weight from these two studies Introduction to meta-analysis in RevMan Ewelina Rogozinska

6 Tasks Create new comparison ‘Diet and fish oils’ and specify:
Type of data: dichotomous Stat method: Mantel-Haenszel Analysis model: random Effect measure: Risk Ratio Analysis details: totals and subtotals Graph details: scale 10.0 Add studies and create two subgroups: First: diet Second: fish oils For outcome ‘Pre-eclampsia (PET)’ generate: Forest plot; Funnel plot Risk of bias graph Introduction to meta-analysis in RevMan Ewelina Rogozinska


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