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Regional Fertility Centre Joan Couhig Administration & Quality Co-ordinator Saturday 27 September 2014 Joan Couhig Administration & Quality Co-ordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Fertility Centre Joan Couhig Administration & Quality Co-ordinator Saturday 27 September 2014 Joan Couhig Administration & Quality Co-ordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Fertility Centre Joan Couhig Administration & Quality Co-ordinator Saturday 27 September 2014 Joan Couhig Administration & Quality Co-ordinator Saturday 27 September 2014

2 Regional Fertility Centre Got my first NHS appointment at the Regional Fertility Centre.........................what happens now?

3 The Journey  Referral  First Consultation  Review Consultation  HFEA & Forms  Eligibility for NHS treatment  Timeframes  Starting Treatment  After Treatment  Patient Information & RFC website

4 Referral From GP or other hospital clinic Reviewed by RFC doctor (sufficient information?) Trust Main Appointments Dept Letter Phone Appointment Target – 9 weeks

5 RFC Outpatients Clinic Grove Wellbeing Centre 120 York Road Belfast BT15 3HF

6 First Consultation RFC Grove Outpatients Both Partners attend Administration form completed Address & telephone contact details check Photographic ID required ( HFEA) Welfare of the Child questionnaire ( HFEA) Consultation -history/discussion/investigations

7 Timeframes for Investigations Investigations undertaken within RFC: -Semen analysis - 4 weeks -Hormone blood tests- 4 weeks -Testicular biopsy - 4 weeks Investigations undertaken outside RFC: -day procedure, X-rays, scans

8 Review Consultation RFC Grove Outpatients When all investigations completed – Investigation results Treatment options Treatment decision/Further investigations/Discharge Name placed on list for treatment ( date on list)

9 HFEA The HFEA licence & monitor fertility treatment centres across the UK Code of Practice – includes guidance/mandatory requirements/legislative regulations Requirements incorporated into RFC procedures

10 Welfare of the Child Must take ‘account...of the welfare of any child who may be born as a result of the treatment (including the need of that child for supportive parenting), and of any other child who may be affected by the birth Welfare of the Child questionnaire completed ( both partners) at time of first consultation

11 Consent to Disclosure For any patient identifying information to be disclosed to anyone outside the RFC or HFEA, the patient ( both partners) must give consent. Consent to Disclosure forms are completed prior to commencing treatment

12 Treatments Provided by RFC NHS funded treatments Clomid therapy Ovulation induction IVF /ICSI Treatment with donor sperm or eggs Frozen Embryo Transfer

13 Criteria for Funded IVF/ICSI Treatment Female under age 40 at time of treatment BMI 35 or less Medical reason for infertility Female patient should have had no more than three previous unsuccessful treatments (including frozen embryo transfer) 1 IVF/ICSI cycle of treatment plus 1 Frozen embryo transfer ( for patients referred AFTER 1 April 2012)

14 Private Treatments Provided by RFC IVF ICSI Frozen Embryo Transfer Patients can be on list for NHS funded treatment while undergoing private treatment Other services provided – EEVA, Endometrial scratch

15 Waiting for Treatment Name placed on list for treatment Treatment planning appointment Start treatment 12 months Start treatment

16 Organising Treatment Letter of offer - patients are offered in chronological order Phone to accept Appointments booked- Screening blood tests ( if applicable) Pre-Treatment Consultation fertility nurse Start Treatment

17 Blood screening Both partners 20 minute appointment HIV,Hepatitis B & C Female BMI check if required

18 Pre-Treatment Consultation Fertility nurse 2 hours Consent & contract forms signed Treatment schedule planned Medication collected Instruction on administering medication Information about the treatment

19 Timeframe Letter of offer Phone to accept Blood screening Pre-Treatment Consult Start Treatment 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 – 4 weeks 1-2 weeks 8-12 weeks From letter to Treatment starts

20 What if the date doesn’t suit us? Couple must be available for 3 months from next period Not available? -Don’t accept offer Can suspend place on list for up to 3 months

21 Can’t accept offer? Unable to accept offer? eg, pregnant Congratulations Patient informed if treatment required in future - new referral GP informed

22 After Treatment Treatment successful- Treatment Outcome form ( HFEA) Pregnancy scan appointment ( 5 weeks after embryo transfer) Pregnancy outcome details ( HFEA)

23 After Treatment If treatment is unfortunately unsuccessful- Treatment outcome form (HFEA) Review consultation appointment -what happened in treatment -options for further treatment Timeframe – 12 weeks ( from form received)

24 Fertility Counselling Service Available to patients before, during & after treatment Patients can book appointment with counsellor directly Some treatment options require counselling (HFEA)

25 Patient Information RFC Website – Information for patients on: how to arrange consultation, investigations, treatments & services useful information on other websites Information for clinicians on how to refer patient

26 Patient Information At Consultation Specific investigation/treatment info Treatment Offer & appointment letters Forms & appointment info Pre – Treatment Consultation Specific treatment plan info

27 Contacting RFC NEW phone system Live from 1 st October 028 9063 5888 Option 1 – Administration team Queuing information system

28 Keep us informed Inform us if you …. Move house or Change your phone number

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