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Introduction KWizCom Business Card Founded in 2005 Headquartered in Toronto Global provider of add-ons and services 3000+ customers worldwide Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction KWizCom Business Card Founded in 2005 Headquartered in Toronto Global provider of add-ons and services 3000+ customers worldwide Business."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction KWizCom Business Card Founded in 2005 Headquartered in Toronto Global provider of add-ons and services 3000+ customers worldwide Business Target: Deliver innovative and cost-effective add-ons, enabling customers to deploy excellent Microsoft SharePoint and Dynamics CRM solutions faster than ever and at no risk. KWizCom Business Card Founded in 2005 Headquartered in Toronto Global provider of add-ons and services 3000+ customers worldwide Business Target: Deliver innovative and cost-effective add-ons, enabling customers to deploy excellent Microsoft SharePoint and Dynamics CRM solutions faster than ever and at no risk. Fields of expertise: Microsoft Office SharePoint Microsoft Dynamics CRM Competencies: Gold Certified Partner ISV Information Worker

3 PortalCollaboration BIECM Search Business Processes Combine MOSS 2007’s powerful ECM and most flexible KM solution framework, together with KWizCom’s Enhanced Wiki solution Benefit from the best Wiki-based Enterprise KM solution! Combine MOSS 2007’s powerful ECM and most flexible KM solution framework, together with KWizCom’s Enhanced Wiki solution Benefit from the best Wiki-based Enterprise KM solution!

4 MOSS 2007 add-on Support for standard Wiki markup Improved editing experience Taxonomy management solution Content Rating Page-level discussions Content lifecycle management Advanced reporting Wiki content templates Content Snippets True SharePoint integration - No separate maintenance costs! Wiki Plus Key Features

5 Quick product feature tour

6 Find articles by Tags/Categories Or by their ratings

7 Let’s click this tag..

8 The Tag Pages List page displays all pages that were tagged to the selected tag. Subscribe to this category and get email alerts for new/updated content Clicking the “Check forms authentication” page link opens this wiki page in View mode.

9 Content (with forward links) Page’s properties Per-page discussions This is the wiki page in View mode

10 Edit any of the forward links (this will create a new wiki page) What can I do while reading this page? Find other pages connected to related categories/tags Rate this page Subscribe to alerts on this page Edit the page

11 Let’s create a new page

12 You can create a page based on Content templates (just like in MS Office) Content Preview

13 The Wiki Plus Editor Full rich text Web & Wiki editor You can clone an existing page (and save a lot of time ) Wiki Markup snippets (for wiki beginners that are not skilled wiki authors) Enhanced management of images, attachments and links Content snippets allow you to share reusable pieces of content You can easily save a page as a new content template

14 The Wiki Plus Editor – Easy management Wiki page links Easily create a link to new wiki pages or to existing wiki pages ) You can insert links to wiki pages located in other sites! Easily implement a distributed structure! Easily locate other wiki pages by using customizable SharePoint views

15 The Wiki Plus Editor – Easy management images Need to include an image? Simply click the “Image Manager” button You can select existing images from your SharePoint libraries. Can’t find it? No problem – you can upload a new one and include it in your page in one click!

16 The Wiki Plus Editor – Easy management of file attachments Need to attach documents/files to your Wiki page? Simply click the “Document Manager” button Same as in pictures – You can select existing file or upload a new one and attach it to your wiki page.

17 The Wiki Plus Editor – Include content snippets The Wiki Plus Editor – Include content snippets We have a standard order confirmation message we use in many pages. In order to use it I will click the “Content Snippets” button. Clicking the “Order Confirmation” option will add this shared piece of content to the page Share reusable rich-content snippets!

18 The Wiki Plus Editor – Web 2.0-style tagging When you enter a tag, the auto-complete feature shows you all existing tags (which can be filtered by views/permissions)

19 The Wiki Plus Editor – Hierarchical categories Click the “Browse” button and select categories: Categorize your page by checking the required categories from the category tree

20 Content lifecycle management (Take control over your content!) Every page has an Owner (or several) that has special permissions: 1.Can delete the page 2.Can restore previous versions 3.Gets an email notification when someone else changes the page 4.Can define expiration period After defining a Lifecycle alert: 1.When the page is about to expire – page owners get a notification email (“Please renew the page”) 2.If the page has expired – an “Out of date” label will appear on top of the page, letting users know that the page may be obsolete.

21 After defining a Lifecycle alert: 1.When the page is about to expire – page owners get a notification email (“Please renew the page”) 2.If the page has expired – an “Out of date” label will appear on top of the page, letting users know that the page may be obsolete. Readers will see the “Out of date” label (If the page owner did not renew the page on time) Avoid obsolete content, make your content always relevant and accurate! Content lifecycle management (Take control over your content!)

22 Automatic Table of contents You can edit parts of a page More Wiki features

23 Advanced Reports

24 Pages Report Advanced Reports Pages Report Find out about true usage of your KM solution. Example: which pages were mostly viewed in the last month?

25 Preview before Save

26 Wiki Plus usage scenarios Corporate Procedure archive Support knowledgebase Development knowledgebase Cross-organization knowledge pool Organization dictionary-"Pedia" application Any knowledge-pool scenario with WEB 2.0 collaboration needs.

27 Technical Review

28 Wiki Plus Architecture It is all standard SharePoint building blocks.. Wiki Plus Library Definition Custom Field Types: Tagging Rating WikiPlus Wiki Plus Content Type Wiki Plus Master Page Wiki Plus Site Template Stylesheet Resource files Web Part pages and web parts Wiki Plus Feature

29 Support Central & Distributed architecture Customizable data layer Customizable layout Content lifecycle management Enterprise Taxonomy Rich web + Wiki editor Supports all MOSS features & framework Wiki Plus Unique Features Enables the implementation of a tailored business solution

30 True SharePoint-based solution You get the power of MOSS + Enhanced Wiki solution Combines MOSS ECM & Collaboration functionality with enhanced Wiki features No separate maintenance costs Anyone who knows SharePoint can support Wiki Plus No separate security/permission mechanism Highly configurable & customizable Wiki Plus Advantages

31 Why Wiki Plus? All KM functionality of MOSS 2007 Flexibility – MOSS 2007 is designed as a framework All Wiki features + enhanced enterprise KM capabilities (content lifecycle management, Taxonomy management and more) SharePoint-based add-on – no separate security, search and maintenance! Download TODAY for 30-days evaluation period

32 Thank You! Contact us:

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