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2 Croatia Dobriša Cesarić (short info about the author)

3 Fruit tree after the rain
Voćka poslije kiše Fruit tree after the rain Gle malu voćku poslije kiše: Puna je kapi pa ih njiše. I bliješti suncem obasjana, Čudesna raskoš njenih grana. Al nek se sunce malo skrije, Nestane sve te čarolije. Ona je opet kao prvo, Obično, jadno, malo drvo. Look at the fruit tree after the rain: All of its raindrops it will sway. The sun makes it glimmer like a gown, The magnificent glory of its crown. If the sun, a little should hide, The  tree’s magic, away will glide. She is once again, what she was before, Ordinary and pathetic, magnificent no more

4 Croatia Josip Pupačić (short info about the author)

5 More The sea I gledam more gdje se k meni penje
I slušam more dobrojutro veli I ono sluša mene I ja mu šapćem O dobrojutro more kažem tiho Pa opet tiše ponovim mu pozdrav A more sluša sluša pa se smije Pa šuti pa se smije pa se penje I gledam more gledam more zlato I dobrojutro kažem more zlato I dobrojutro more more kaže I zagrli me more oko vrata I more I ja I ja s morem zlatom sjedimo skupa na žalu vrh brijega I smijemo se smijemo se moru, I watch the sea where it climbs up to me And I listen to it, goodmorning it says And I listen to it and to it I whisper Oh goodmorning, sea, I say soundlessly And then still, I repeat my hello While the sea listens, listens and then smiles And then quiten and laughs and climbs it does I watch the sea, I watch the golden sea And goodmorning I say my golden sea And goodmorning, sea it says to me And arround the neck it hugs me And the sea and me and me with the golden sea Sitting together at the harbor hill And laughing we are, laughing at the see

6 Estonia Juhan Liiv (short info about author)

7 Lauliku talveüksindus Bard`s Winter Isolation
Lumi tuiskab, mina laulan, Laulan kurba laulukest. Lumi keerleb tuulehoodest, Minu süda valudest. Laulan kurba laulukest, Lumi kogub aia äärde, Valu minu südame. Lumi tuiskab, mina laulan , Laulan kuni hauas kaetud Olen jääst ja lumest. The snow whirls, I sing I sing a song of sadness. In the winds the snow howls My heart`s in great distress. I sing a song of sadness The snow drifts to the fence Pain to my heart distressed.    The snow whirls, I sing I sing a song of sadness Sing till the snow and ice Surround my grave in coldness.

8 Üle vee Over the water Üks laevuke lääb üle vee, Lääb üle vee
Ja lainete. Kui valge luik Kaob üle vee, Kaob üle vee Mu armuke, Mu kullake Läks yle vee Silm kaugele Käib yle vee, Käib yle vee Ei laineke Ei kõnele Mul üle vee Mu armuke Ja kullake On üle vee One ship Goes over the water Goes over the water And the waves. Like a white swan Disappears in the waters My lover My darling Moved over the waters My eye stretches far Far over the water No waves Dont talk And the sea. Is far over the water

9 Greece


11 Poland Wisława Szymborska (1923-2012)
The poet was awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature "for poetry that with ironic precision allows the historical and biological context to come to light in fragments of human reality". She was described as a "Mozart of Poetry".

12 Nic dwa razy Nothing twice
Nic dwa razy się nie zdarza i nie zdarzy. Z tej przyczyny zrodziliśmy się bez wprawy i pomrzemy bez rutyny. Choćbyśmy uczniami byli najtępszymi w szkole świata, nie będziemy repetować żadnej zimy ani lata. Żaden dzień się nie powtórzy, nie ma dwóch podobnych nocy, dwóch tych samych pocałunków, dwóch jednakich spojrzeń w oczy. Wczoraj, kiedy twoje imię ktoś wymówił przy mnie głośno, tak mi było jakby róża przez otwarte wpadła okno. Dziś, kiedy jesteśmy razem, odwróciłam twarz ku ścianie. Róża? Jak wygląda róża? Czy to kwiat? A może kamień? Czemu ty się, zła godzino, z niepotrzebnym mieszasz lękiem? Jesteś - a więc musisz minąć. Miniesz - a więc to jest piękne. Uśmiechnięci, współobjęci spróbujemy szukać zgody, choć różnimy się od siebie jak dwie krople czystej wody. Nothing happens twice and it never will. For this reason, we were born without skills and we will die without routine. Even if we were the worst students In the school of world We won’t repeat Any winter ,any summer Any day won’t repeat There are no similar nights, Two the same kisses, Two the same glances in the eyes. Yesterday, when your name Someone said loudly next to me I felt like a rose had fallen Through an open window into my room Today, when we’re together, I turned my face to the wall. Rose? How does a rose look like? Is it a flower? Or is it a rock? Why do you, oh evil hour Bring the unneeded fear? You live - so you must perish You pass away- how charming this is. Delighted, caught in one’s arms Seeking harmony Although we differ As two peas in a pod…

13 Spain JOSÉ ESPRONCEDA He was born in Madrid in 1808. He established
a secret society with some other guys, called „The Numantios”. He was against dictatorship, and because of this he went to the prison. He participated in the French Revolution in in 1830. He kidnaped Teresa, who was married, and finally They returned to Madrid. He was selected to be one of the congressman by Almeria. He died when he was thirty four in Madrid.

14 CANCIÓN DEL PIRATA THE PIRAT SONG Con diez cañones por banda,
viento en popa, a toda vela, no corta el mar, sino vuela un velero bergantín. Bajel pirata que llaman, por su bravura, el Temido, en todo mar conocido del uno al otro confín. La luna en el mar rïela, en la lona gime el viento, y alza en blando movimiento olas de plata y azul; y ve el capitán pirata, cantando alegre en la popa, Asia a un lado, al otro Europa, y allá a su frente Stambul: «Navega, velero mío, sin temor, que ni enemigo navío ni tormenta, ni bonanza tu rumbo a torcer alcanza, ni a sujetar tu valor. Veinte presas hemos hecho a despecho del inglés, y han rendido sus pendones cien naciones a mis pies. Que es mi barco mi tesoro, que es mi dios la libertad, mi ley, la fuerza y el viento, mi única patria, la mar. Ten cannons side to side, wind strong, full sails ahead, not slicing the ocean, but flying comes soaring a winged bergantin. Here comes the pirate called, for his bravery,Chilling, known throughout the sea from East to West.  The moon reigns oversea,  on the mount weeps the wind, and with a motion it raises  waves of blue and silver; and behold the pirate king, by the helm he gayly sings, On one side Asia, on the other Europe,  and before him, Istanbul.    " Ride forth, my ship, without fear, no enemy, my ship,  no storm,no bonanza  will dare change your course, nor restrain your valor.  And when the thunder is violently roaring, and the wind Overpowering, I sleep,  peacefully,  rocked  by the sea.  What is my treasure but my ship, Who is my God but liberty,  my law, my force and the wind, my only homeland, the sea.  

15 Turkey


17 Compiled by Elżbieta Koziróg

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