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Facebook Julius Caesar General, Dictator, Protector of the poor WallPhotosFlairBoxesJulius CaesarLogout View photos of Julius Caesar)5) Send Caesar a message.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Julius Caesar General, Dictator, Protector of the poor WallPhotosFlairBoxesJulius CaesarLogout View photos of Julius Caesar)5) Send Caesar a message."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Julius Caesar General, Dictator, Protector of the poor WallPhotosFlairBoxesJulius CaesarLogout View photos of Julius Caesar)5) Send Caesar a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotos Write something… Share Information Networks: Rome Birthday: July 12 th 100 BC 8 th Century CE Religion: Roman Gods Hometown: Rome Friends Cleopatra CrassusLittle Caesar OctavianPompe Julius Caesar My troops are ready to sail to Greece to defeat Pompey tomorrow. I will soon be the ruler of all of Rome July 8 th 48 BC Russ Pompey to Julius Caesar My army is huge. There is no way you can beat me. Your daughter told me all your secrets on how to beat you. July 10 th, 48 BC Cleopatra to Julius Caesar I will miss you. Please bring back a souvenir for “little Caesar”. Maybe the head of Pompey? July 11 th, 48 BC Little Caesar to Julius Caesar You can win DAD! Bring me back Pompey’s head July 13 th, 48 BC Julius Caesar That was an easy victory over Pompey. I will be bringing home “Little Caesar a surprise. September 1 st, 48 BC Little Caesar to Julius Caesar YEAH DADDY!!! I am so proud of you. September 1 st, 48 BC

2 Personal Information facebook Julius Caesar General, Dictator, Protector of the poor WallPhotosFlairBoxesJulius CaesarLogout View photos of Julius Caesar (5) Send Caear a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotos Basic Information Information Networks: Birthday: July 12 th, 100 BC Religion: I am a living god Hometown: Rome Photos Networks: Sex: Male Birthday: July 12 th, 100 BC Hometown: Rome Relationship Status: It’s complicated. Political Views: I should rule all!! Religious Views: I am a living god About me: I was once captured by pirates. I conquered all of Gaul and defeated their leader that had a really “cool” moustache. My best friend Crassus was recently killed in battle. My only daughter was married to my ex- friend, Pompey until she died during child birth. I have dreams of ruling all of Rome so that I can help the poor. I have a friend Brutus who has been acting very strange lately. I need to visit my “friend” in Egypt. Activities: conquer lands and help the poor Interests: cooking, watching gladiator battles Favorite Music: Jay Z, Brittany Spears Favorite Movies: Troy, Gladiator, and the Smurfs Favorite TV Shows: Sports Center, Anything on the History Channel Favorite Books: Art of War- Sun Tzu Cleopatra Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Cross country Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: 1111 Imgreat Ave Rome, Italy 34456

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJulius CaesarLogout WallInfoPhotos Photos of Cleopatra 7 Photos Cross Country Albums 2 Photo Albums Women 5 photos Men 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Julius Caesar General, Dictator, Protector of the poor

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