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Facebook Portia is preparing to attend the crowning of Caesar. WallPhotosFlairBoxesPortia BrutusLogout View photos of Portia (5) Send Portia a message.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Portia is preparing to attend the crowning of Caesar. WallPhotosFlairBoxesPortia BrutusLogout View photos of Portia (5) Send Portia a message."— Presentation transcript:

1 facebook Portia is preparing to attend the crowning of Caesar. WallPhotosFlairBoxesPortia BrutusLogout View photos of Portia (5) Send Portia a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Rome, Italy Birthday: 70 B.C. Political: Roman Republic Religion: Hellenistic Hometown: Rome, Italy Friends BrutusCaesarCalpurnia I am feeling anxious today. @The Roman Capitol with Marcus Brutus, Julius Caesar, Cassius March 15, 44 B.C. Cassius Marcus Brutus to Portia Brutus: I love you my dear wife. I will be thinking of you today as well as all Romans. March 15, 44 B.C. I wonder what is going on with my husband. He steals away from our bed and paces in the orchard. March 14, 44 B.C. I have stabbed myself in the thigh. I want to show my husband that I am strong and can understand anything he imparts to me. I may need medical attention. March 14, 44 B.C. Calpurnia to Portia: Hey want to go check out the Roman market tomorrow? I can use some new togas? March 13, 44 B.C. I am tired from the celebrations today. I can’t believe Caesar had a seizure in the marketplace. The people really love him. February 15, 44 B.C.

2 Personal Information facebook Portia is preparing to attend the crowing of Caesar. WallPhotosFlairBoxesPortia BrutusLogout View photos of Portia (5) Send Portia a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Rome, Italy Birthday: 70 B.C. Political: Roman Republic Religion: Hellenistic Hometown: Rome, Italy Networks: Rome, Italy Sex: Female Birthday: 70 B.C Hometown: Rome, Italy Relationship Status: Married to Marcus Brutus Political Views: Roman Republic Religious Views: Hellenistic Activities: Proving that I’m stronger than my sex. Interests: Shopping, Feminism, and Toga making Favorite Music: “Roman Shake,” Favorite Movies: Gladiator, Troy, & Mommy Dearest Favorite TV Shows: I Love Brutus, The Caesar Chronicles, The Walking Dead Favorite Books: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Contact Information Address: 1600 Roman Avenue Rome, Italy Phone Number: 908-111-2222

3 facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesPortia BrutusLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Portia 7 Photos Portia’s Photo Albums The Family 5 photos The White House 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Portia is preparing to attend the crowing of Caesar.

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