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Word File Sentences Patterns Expansion Writing Practice.

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2 Word File Sentences Patterns Expansion Writing Practice

3 I. as + Adj + as + N 1. as fresh as a daisy 清新的,鮮活的;有活力的 2. as clean as a new pin 乾乾淨淨的 3. as gentle as an angel 仁慈的,和善的 4. as quiet as a mouse 鴉雀無聲的 5. as stubborn as a mule 頑固的

4 II. V + (-)Particle → N Some two-word verbs can form compound nouns. grow up 長大 → grown-up 成人 drop out 退學 → drop-out 中輟生 run away 逃跑 → runaway 逃跑者 stand by 待命 → standby 替身 check in 報到 → check-in 報到 set back 使挫敗 → setback 挫折 give away 發送 → giveaway 贈品 take off 起飛 → takeoff 起飛 Back

5 I. More About Dreams II. Dream Interpretation

6 I. More About Dreams The word “dream” stems from the Middle English word “dreme,” which means “joy” and “music.” Dream Facts Work in pairs. Read the following statements about dreams and then check “T” (True) or “F” (False). Then, compare your answers with those of other groups.

7 T F □ □ 1. One third of our lives is spent sleeping. □ □ 2. Everybody dreams. □ □ 3. Dreams are essential to human existence. A lack of dream activity can mean protein deficiency or a personality disorder. □ □ 4. We dream on average one or two hours every night. We often even have 4-7 dreams in one night. □ □ 5. Blind people dream.

8 T F □ □ 6. Five minutes after the end of a dream, half the content is forgotten. □ □ 7. Men tend to dream more about other men, while women dream equally about men and women. □ □ 8. Our brain waves are more active when we are dreaming than when we are awake. □ □ 9. If you are snoring, then you cannot be dreaming. □ □ 10. Nightmares are common among children. Back

9 II. Dream Interpretation Work in groups. 1. Keep a journal of dreams that you have had recently. Try to describe them in detail. 2. Exchange your group journal with another group. 3. Surf the Internet for information about dream interpretation and try to interpret your journal. 4. Give an oral report about your interpretation.

10 The following websites may be helpful: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Back

11 Narrating

12 Write a narrative passage entitled “The Most Unforgettable Dream That I Have Ever Had.” Your topic sentence should briefly tell the reader what the dream was about. Then, tell them in the dream who was involved, where you were, and what happened. In the concluding sentence, explain why the dream is unforgettable to you. Look at the following example:

13 The Most Unforgettable Dream That I Have Ever Had I used to think that dreams were just interesting nonsense, but one of my dreams about Grandmother not only changed that opinion but also the way I look at life. Sentence 1 (topic sentence) Example:

14 A few years ago, my parents were in business and had always been very busy, so Grandmother raised my younger sister and me. One night during a terrible storm when Mom and Dad were overseas, the angels came and took Grandmother away.

15 My sister and I were quite scared and very sad. The night before our parents returned, I had a vivid dream. I was alone in a dark place, crying in fear. In the distance, I noticed a brilliant light, slowly approaching me. I then noticed Grandmother in the middle of that great ball of light.

16 She smiled so sweetly at me and said, “I am fine, my little love. You and your sister do not have to be so unhappy for me. I am still with you and will always be with you.” I suddenly stopped crying and felt completely at peace. Then I woke up.

17 I had been afraid of death, but that dream changed everything. I now know that there is life after death and that when it is my turn to pass on, I will rejoin all my loved ones forever. Sentences 14-15 (conclusion)

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