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CERN Open Days Analysis and presentation of the questionnaires. CMS Outreach Fabiola Vázquez.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN Open Days Analysis and presentation of the questionnaires. CMS Outreach Fabiola Vázquez."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN Open Days Analysis and presentation of the questionnaires. CMS Outreach Fabiola Vázquez.

2 Introduction During CERN Open Days that took place at the end of May 2014, visitors answered 3 questions: Question 1: In one sentence, what will you tell your friends about what you saw today? Question 1: In one sentence, what will you tell your friends about what you saw today? Question 2: What fact or story that you heard today impressed you the most? Question 2: What fact or story that you heard today impressed you the most? Question 3: Describe the CMS detector in three words. Question 3: Describe the CMS detector in three words.

3 Key words per question In one sentence, what will you tell your friends about what you saw today? machine x 95, technical advancement x 127, impressive x158, universe/origin x 66, collisions x33, international endeavour x26 In one sentence, what will you tell your friends about what you saw today? machine x 95, technical advancement x 127, impressive x158, universe/origin x 66, collisions x33, international endeavour x26 What fact or story that you heard today impressed you the most? physics/collisions x82, Higgs boson x120, construction x142, multinational work x85 Describe the CMS detector in three words. enormous x376, complicated x40 research x54 Describe the CMS detector in three words. enormous x376, complicated x40 research x54 (TOTAL number of questionnaires: 495).




7 From the questionnaires I received, I found that 234 were answered in french, and 215, in english. I made a data-base with all the words that were used to answer each question. Because of the difference of language, I separate this information in two different data –base. So, in the next slides you would see this recurrent words, for english, where the size of the word is proportional to the number of times it appears..

8 In one sentence, what will you tell your friends about what you saw today?

9 What fact or story that you heard today impressed you the most?

10 Describe the CMS detector in three words.

11 Question 1:


13 Question 2:


15 Question 3:


17 And for the most recurrent words:


19 Among all the answers in the ‘english questionnaires’, The following are the most memorable:



22 Conclusion: I am still working in: The french questionnaires… A prezi presentation An entry into the blog.

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