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Tweak of the Week iPads supporting learning through increased choice.

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Presentation on theme: "Tweak of the Week iPads supporting learning through increased choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tweak of the Week iPads supporting learning through increased choice

2 Take away learning 1.Helps to embed knowledge and concepts. 2.Supports our understanding of the current level our students are working at. 3.Potential to support & develop independent student learning skills?? 4.Allows the students to be creative???

3 Supporting TAL using iPads Out of lesson work is about setting students free to be creative, try out different ideas. 1.make a video 2.produce a picture book with annotation 3.write a dialogue 4.produce an audio file 5.create a booklet explaining the ideas to pupils lower down the academy.

4 TAL Option Grid Knowledge & Understanding Produce a fully labelled diagram of the concepts you have studied. Skitch Write a description of our learning and submit it to Padlet / Showbie. Tweet what you have learned in class and outline your learning goals for next lesson, Edmodo Create 3 questions for your class mates to answer and answer 3 questions from the Padlet site. Produce a mind map of the topic which highlights the key themes you have covered in class. Mindo Application & Analysing Produce a 3 minute video presentation on the topic you have studied this lesson. iMovies Write a 500 word essay about the main points of the topic relating it a real life situation. Pages Produce pictorial discussion about the key concepts of the topic. This could be in the form of a graphic novel. My Story Collaborate with colleague to produce a shared resource which analyses the key themes of the topic. Take part in an online debate on a topic which you have studied. Edmodo Evaluation & Creating Write an imaginary debate between both sides of the argument to evaluate the key themes of the topic. Design a brochure on the subject covered which could be used to explain the topic to students new to the subject. Visit a website and evaluate its effectiveness in explaining the topic studied. Suggest improvements which could be made. Create a revision tool which could be shared with the class, this could video, audio, PP, pictorial, written. Design a board game on the topic you have covered.

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