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Total Communication in East Sussex A brief history: LDPB Total Communication Partnership 2009 – 2011: A range of projects and events LD Commissioning Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Total Communication in East Sussex A brief history: LDPB Total Communication Partnership 2009 – 2011: A range of projects and events LD Commissioning Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Communication in East Sussex A brief history: LDPB Total Communication Partnership 2009 – 2011: A range of projects and events LD Commissioning Strategies IMT Challenges : “Everybody should have total communication support in line with the East Sussex Total Communication Standards.”

2 Total Communication in East Sussex TC Standards and Audit Tool TC Resource Pack Are you aware of these resources ? If so, have you found them helpful ? What else would you find helpful ? Please write to me at

3 Total Communication in East Sussex Please visit the “My life My Choices” section of our website And the “Information for Staff” section for Supporting and Understanding me guides And in the pipeline ….

4 Total Communication Structure Anne Walker Professional Lead Speech and Language Therapist- Learning Disability Services 01403 223316

5 Support/ information/ training on specific topics Forum for developing communication standards in organisations Review plans/ ideas for individuals from see a salt Regular drop in sessions / café connect- for everyone, but especially for communication champions Awareness raising sessions/ mini kick starts -targeted at particular providers -for family forums -for non learning disability specific services e.g hospitals Same day if possible Feedback to commissioners SALT caseload if needed See a salt sessions for individuals referral forms available

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