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Biological Membranes and Transport Simple diffusion Simple diffusion - No transporter protein needed, no energy expended Simple diffusion of gases (O 2,

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Membranes and Transport Simple diffusion Simple diffusion - No transporter protein needed, no energy expended Simple diffusion of gases (O 2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Membranes and Transport Simple diffusion Simple diffusion - No transporter protein needed, no energy expended Simple diffusion of gases (O 2, N 2, CH 4 ), slow diffusion of water (high concentration)

2 Simple diffusion in living organisms Impeded by selectively permeable membranes (high  G ‡ ) permease Facilitated diffusion Passive transport Bind substrate with stereochemical specificity, lots weak interactions Span bilayer, channel lined with hydrophilic amino acids Biological Membranes and Transport Simple & Facilitated diffusion

3 Biological Membranes and Transport Facilitated diffusion (Passive transport) Aquaporins (AQPs) Create hydrophilic transmembrane channel for passage of water (no ions) Erythrocytes (red blood cells), proximal renal tubule cells, vacuole

4 Biological Membranes and Transport Facilitated diffusion (Passive transport) Glucose transporter of erythrocytes With glucose transporter glucose enters erythrocyte at rate ~50,000 higher than without the transporter

5 Biological Membranes and Transport Glucose transporter of erythrocytes Think back to enzyme/substrate kinetics Glucose outside cell = substrate Glucose inside cell = product Glucose transporter = enzyme K t = constant similar to K m, combination of rate constants characteristic of each transport system (measure of affinity of transporter for glucose) Lower K t, higher affinity

6 Biological Membranes and Transport Glucose transporter of erythrocytes GluT1 specific for D-glucose, K t = 1.5 mM D-mannose (K t = 20 mM), D-galactose (K t = 30 mM), L-glucose (K t > 3000 mM) Hallmarks of passive transporter: (1) high rate of diffusion down concentration gradient (2) saturability (GluT1 is nearly sat’d with substrate and operates near V max ) (3) specificity High [glucose] ~5 mM, 3x K t Lower [glucose]

7 Biological Membranes and Transport Glucose transporter of liver GluT2 transports glc out of hepatocytes when liver glycogen (stored sugar) is broken down to replenish blood glc GluT2 (K t = 66 mM) can respond to increased levels of intracellular glc by  n  outward transport Glucose transporter of muscle/adipose GluT4 transporter Muscle(glycogen)/adipose(triacylglycerols) take up excess glc (> 5mM)

8 Biological Membranes and Transport

9 Glucose transporter Type I diabetes mellitus, juvenile onset, insulin-dependent diabetes Insulin-producing cells have been destroyed Inability to release insulin (mobilize glc transporters) results in low rate of glc uptake High blood glucose Type II diabetes mellitus, adult onset, noninsulin-dependent diabetes Do make and release insulin Resistance to action of insulin Number and affinity of insulin receptors may be reduced Abnormal activation of glc transporters Obesity Medium/High blood glucose Diabetes insipidus genetic defect in aquaporin 2 leading to impaired water absorption by kidney

10 Biological Membranes and Transport Transport of Chloride/Bicarbonate across Erythrocyte Membrane Chloride-bicarbonate exchanger  permeability of erythrocyte membrane to HCO 3 - by 10 6 Two anions move at once (HCO 3 - and Cl - in opposite directions) Cotransport

11 Biological Membranes and Transport Chloride/Bicarbonate Glucose transporter

12 Biological Membranes and Transport Active transport Movement against a concentration gradient Accumulate solute above equilibrium point Thermodynamically unfavorable, coupled to exergonic process Primary active transport - directly coupled to ATP cleavage Secondary active transport - endergonic transport coupled to exergonic transport (went through primary first)

13 P-type Active cotransport of Na + and K + Reversibly phosphorylated by ATP Biological Membranes and Transport Primary active transport: ATP-dependent active transporters

14 P-type - mechanism Active cotransport of Na + and K + Biological Membranes and Transport Primary active transport: ATP-dependent active transporters

15 P-type Active cotransport of Na + and K + 25% of total energy consumption of a human at rest Inhibitors - ouabain and digitoxigenin (O+D = digitalis) Digitalistreat congestive heart failure inhibits Na + out, so more Na + in cell more Na + activates Na + -Ca 2+ antiporter in cardiac muscle more Ca 2+ in cell, strengthens heart muscle contractions Biological Membranes and Transport Primary active transport: ATP-dependent active transporters

16 F-type (bacteria, mitochondria, chloroplasts) & V-type (vacuole, lysosomes, endosomes, Golgi) Acidifies organelles & pumps protons Transmembrane pore for protons Biological Membranes and Transport Primary active transport: ATP-dependent active transporters

17 F-type Catalyze uphill movement of protons (ATP hydrolysis) AND downhill proton flow to drive ATP synthesis (ATP synthases) Biological Membranes and Transport Primary active transport: ATP-dependent active transporters

18 Defective Cl- ion channel in cystic fibrosis Symptoms: obstruct gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, bacterial infections, death earlier in life due to respiratory insufficiency Defective gene for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) - mutation involves deletion of Phe (improper folding) and reduced Cl- movement and improper phosphorylation In CF patients Cl - channel not working properly, less export of Cl- accompanied by diminished export of water leading to mucus on cell surface becoming dehydrated, thick, sticky (Staph & Pseudomonas bacteria grow here really well!) Normally thin layer of mucus in lungs Biological Membranes and Transport Primary active transport: ATP-dependent active transporters

19 Biological Membranes and Transport

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