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Commas in Dialogue. Punctuating Quotations To punctuate quotations, you need to know where to put quotation marks, commas, and end marks. A direct quotation.

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Presentation on theme: "Commas in Dialogue. Punctuating Quotations To punctuate quotations, you need to know where to put quotation marks, commas, and end marks. A direct quotation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commas in Dialogue

2 Punctuating Quotations To punctuate quotations, you need to know where to put quotation marks, commas, and end marks. A direct quotation is the exact words of a writer or speaker. “All passengers assemble on deck,” said the captain. What did the captain say?

3 Punctuating Quotations Use commas to set off explanatory words used with direct quotations (whether they occur at the beginning or at the ends of sentences). Beginning: The captain said, “All passengers assemble on deck.” End: “All passengers assemble on deck,” said the captain.

4 Beginning: If the explanatory words are at the beginning of a sentence, the comma goes outside the quotation marks. The captain said, “All passengers assemble on deck.”

5 End: If explanatory words come at the end, the comma goes inside the quotation marks. “All passengers assemble on deck,” said the captain.

6 ?????? End marks !!!!!!!! ……. If a quotation is a question or exclamation, place the question mark or exclamation point inside the closing quotation marks. “Have we hit an iceberg?” a crewman asked.

7 Punctuating Quotations If quoted words are part of a quotation or exclamation of your own, place the question mark or exclamation point outside the closing quotation marks. Did I hear him say, “I believe we’re sinking”?

8 Hot tip! Commas and periods ALWAYS go inside closing quotation marks. They’re too little to stay outside. I heard him say, “I believe we’re sinking.”

9 Indirect Quotations Do NOT use quotation marks to set off an indirect quotation. –An indirect quotation tells, in different words, what someone said. An indirect quotation is often introduced by the word that. It does not require a comma.

10 Direct: Captain Smith shouted to the radio operators, “You can do no more. Abandon your cabin!”

11 Indirect: Finally, Captain Smith told the radio operators that they should abandon their cabin.

12 Practice The cashier said that the store was really busy. Does this sentence need quotation marks?

13 Practice The cashier said that the store was really busy. No!

14 Practice The cashier asked who’s next in line Where would we add quotation marks and punctuation?

15 Practice The cashier asked, “Who’s next in line?”

16 Practice My mother would like a sweater said Chad.

17 Practice “My mother would like a sweater,” said Chad.

18 Practice Margaret asked which perfume smells nicer

19 Practice Margaret asked, “Which perfume smells nicer?”

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