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Diane M. Strub, MWA DAD NACOP Training Conference August 18-19, 2010 Norman, Oklahoma.

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2 Diane M. Strub, MWA DAD NACOP Training Conference August 18-19, 2010 Norman, Oklahoma

3 Goal of this Session: Share some thoughts and insights to help you be successful in your ARS career.

4  What do you like about your job?  What don’t you like/frustrates you?  Do you feel successful?  What can you change?  What are your career challenges?

5 What does “Success” look like to you:  Climbing the career ladder?  Salary?  Self satisfaction?  Quality work?  Part of a successful team / inclusion?  Recognition? How do I get “lucky”?

6 Interpersonal Skills  Research of successful individuals show they attribute their success to interpersonal skills (85%) and technical skills (15%).

7 Interpersonal Skills  Communication and self projection o Positive thinking o Good listener o “Can do” attitude o Team player o Glass half full / half empty o Humor/Laughter

8 Organizational Skills  Are you organized?  How do you prioritize multiple tasks and “juggle many hats”?  What kind of time management tool do you use?

9 Increased Knowledge Base  What are you reading?  Utilize your resources? o P&Ps o Reference Guides o Manuals o Job Aids  Be a life long learner

10 Increased Technical Ability  T  T raining  A  A bilities  W  W eaknesses  S  S trengths  “SWAT” Analysis

11 Details Teams/ Committees /Task Groups Special Assignments Shadowing opportunities Build a plan for your success  Evaluate your environment  Evaluate your personal situation  Be open to opportunities  Build an IDP

12 Luck: preparation meeting opportunity!  Prepare for that “lucky break” “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Peter Drucker Formal Training Self Development Build yourself a strong network Every day a job interview!

13  Do understand every day you are on the job you are on a job interview.  Do foster a “can do” attitude!  Don’t wait for an opportunity to come before you prepare

14 “Do what you can with what you have right where you are.” Teddy Roosevelt “Unless a person undertakes more than they can possibly do, they will never do all they possibly can.” Do be willing to learn from your mistakes!

15 “The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” Vince Lombardi  Don’t sit back and expect opportunity to knock on your door. If you don’t prepare for it, you may not recognize it nor will anyone else recognize you as a candidate for that opportunity

16 “Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic.”

17 Don’t be afraid to ask for some advice. Seek assistance on how to reach achieve your success.

18 Do learn how to deal with the “tyranny of the urgent”. Manage the stress, prioritize, and do your best. Do strive for balance between your work life and your personal life.

19  Define your success  Tap into all available resources.  Start today: o Meet some new people today. o Be a life long learner. o Work on a legitimate IDP.  Be content with your choices.  Plan how to achieve it.

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