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 Matter – anything that has mass and volume  How do we measure mass in lab?  How do we measure volume in lab?  What unit is used to measure mass? 

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Presentation on theme: " Matter – anything that has mass and volume  How do we measure mass in lab?  How do we measure volume in lab?  What unit is used to measure mass? "— Presentation transcript:

1  Matter – anything that has mass and volume  How do we measure mass in lab?  How do we measure volume in lab?  What unit is used to measure mass?  What units are used to measure volume?

2  Atom-smallest building unit of an element that has the same properties of the element.  Pure substance – particles all the same; element or compound

3  An element :  1. simplest pure substance  2. composes the Periodic Table  3. The smallest part of an element  4. Elements are written in symbols  Fe Cu Ag Au or P K I (always written in single or double letters; first letter always capitalized

4 Pass out the periodic table and find these on your own table. Cl –bleach Hg-mercury (barometers) Ne –neon (lights) Ag- silver (jewelry) Au-gold (jewelry) Zr- Zirconium (fake jewelry) He – helium (balloons)

5  Compound – different types of elements chemically combined.  Examples: HCl NaCl KI  Element symbols are always capitalized so you can tell the difference between an element and a compound.

6  Atom –smallest unit of an element  Each atom of the same element is always identical  Atoms are symbolized by a capital letter or a capital letter and one lower case letter. See Periodic Table.

7  Molecule –simplest unit of a compound; two atoms that are chemically combined  You can have a molecule of a compound or a molecule of an element  See the difference on the board  Oxygen, nitrogen, salt, rust

8  Mixture – two or more substance mixed together but not chemically combined  Mixtures do not have formulas because they are not combined in a definite proportion

9  Homogeneous mixture – homo=same; geneous = throughout  A homogeneous mixture is the same throughout  Example : salt water; whipped cream; hand lotion

10  Solution is a type of homogeneous mixture formed when one substance dissolves in another  Particles cannot be seen  Example: Kool-aid; stainless steel; candy kiss; atmosphere of gases

11  Hetero = different geneous= throughout  A heterogeneous mixture is different throughout.  Can usually see the particles  Example: Trail mix; Lucky charms; cinnamon and sugar; Chex mix

12  Suspension – particles settle out of solution  Example: pond water  Colloid- particles spread throughout liquid; particles are small and do not settle out quickly  Example: milk and gelatin (jello)

13  1.pH– acidic, basic or neutral  Review the pH scale. What is an acid? Base? Neutral?  Bases are slippery and taste bitter.  When mixing and acid and a base you always get a salt and water produced.

14  2. Organic or inorganic- organic compounds contain hydrogen and carbon (come from living or once living things)  (Examples: foods; gasoline, synthetic goods)  Inorganic- come from non living things such as air, minerals, soil.

15  3. Role in the body –  Biochemicals=organic compounds that make up living things.

16  1. carbohydrates – source of energy  2. Lipids- store excess energy and make up cell membrane  3. Proteins – one of the most abundant types of biochemicals; builds cells  4. Nucleic acids- DNA and RNA; genetic information and used to build protein.

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