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The Smell of Thanksgiving It smells like Thanksgiving.

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Presentation on theme: "The Smell of Thanksgiving It smells like Thanksgiving."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Smell of Thanksgiving

3 It smells like Thanksgiving.

4 Mmmm so good!

5 I can smell the turkey.

6 Mmmm so good!

7 I can smell the corn.

8 Mmmm so good!

9 I can smell the pie.

10 Mmmm so good!

11 It smells like Thanksgiving.

12 I will not go to school.

13 I will spend time with my family.

14 I will see my old friends.

15 It smells like Thanksgiving.

16 Mmmm so good!

17 I will help cook the big meal.

18 I can watch television.

19 I will watch the big parade.

20 I will watch football games.

21 It smells like Thanksgiving.

22 I will say many thanks

23 to my friends and family.

24 It will be a special day.

25 Happy Thanksgiving!!!

26 The End

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