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1 All about movies. 2 Directed by David Slade Twilight Eclipse.

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Presentation on theme: "1 All about movies. 2 Directed by David Slade Twilight Eclipse."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 All about movies

2 2 Directed by David Slade Twilight Eclipse

3 3 1. Photo 2. Overview 3. Plot (Story) description 4. Characters’ performance 5. Other comments 6. Recommendation 7. Reviewer


5 5 5 th Paragraph Recommendation 4 th Paragraph Other Comments 3 rd Paragraph Characters’ performance 2 nd Paragraph Plot Description 1 st Paragraph Overview -General ideas - Theme - Describe the plot / story - Do the actors act well? - What are the comments of others? - Do you suggest others to see?

6 6

7 7

8 8 Type of Text Letter Newspaper article Diary Book Review/ Film Review ProposalSpeech

9 9 Type of text What type of text is it ?  It is a movie review.

10 10

11 11 Types of films Romantic Film Horror film MusicalComedy Science- Fiction film Animated film Kung fu film

12 12 5 th Paragraph Recommendation 4 th Paragraph Other Comments 3 rd Paragraph Characters’ performance 2 nd Paragraph Plot Description 1 st Paragraph Overview

13 13 2. What kind of movie is “Twilight Eclipse”?  It is a romantic movie.

14 14 Look for the NAMES

15 15 Question 1. Who are the leading actor and actress?  Robert Pattinson is the leading actor and Kristen Stewart is the leading actress.

16 16

17 17 5 th Paragraph Recommendation 4 th Paragraph Other Comments 3 rd Paragraph Characters’ performance 2 nd Paragraph Plot Description 1 st Paragraph Overview

18 18  In "Twilight Eclipse," Bella (leading actress Kristen Stewart) is in danger and faced with mysterious killings. A horrible vampire is also killing lots of people around her, making her very frightened. Later, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward (leading actor Robert Pattinson) and her friendship with Jacob (supporting actor Taylor Lautner) but she is clear that her decision may make the vampire and werewolf angry. Actually, Bella is facing the most important decision of her life. What’s her decision making the vampire and werewolf angry? What’s the most important decision of her life? Question 4. What is the decision Bella needs to make in the movie?  The decision she needs to make is to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob.

19 19

20 20  Director Slade is very good at arranging exciting scenes and creating interesting love lines. Also, the actors and actresses know each other well, making the whole movie a smooth one to follow. The amazing stunts performed by the supporting actor Taylor Lautner will surely make you scream in the cinema. I like this part the most! Question 5. What is the director good at?  The director is good at arranging exciting scenes and creating interesting love lines.

21 21

22 22  Director Slade is very good at arranging exciting scenes and creating interesting love lines. Also, the actors and actresses know each other well, making the whole movie a smooth one to follow. The amazing stunts performed by the supporting actor Taylor Lautner will surely make you scream in the cinema. I like this part the most! Is it a good thing or a bad thing? What is good about the actors and actresses? Question 6. What is good about the actors and actreses ?  It is good that the actors and actresses know each other well, making the whole movie a smooth one to follow.

23 23

24 24  Director Slade is very good at arranging exciting scenes and creating interesting love lines. Also, the actors and actresses know each other well, making the whole movie a smooth one to follow. The amazing stunts performed by the supporting actor Taylor Lautner will surely make you scream in the cinema. I like this part the most! 1. What does this part refer to? 2. Which part does the writer like the most? 3. What is the writer’s favourite part of the movie? Question 7. What is the writer’s favourite part of the movie?  The writer’s favourite part of the movie is the amazing stunts performed by the supporting actor Taylor Lautner.

25 25

26 26  Orange Daily said that the first half of the movie was boring and the long conversation was a bit annoying. I agree with them. However, if you like to see handsome stars such as Robert Pattinson, you’ll never feel upset about the movie. 1. Who thinks the first part of the movie is boring? 2. Does the writer think so? 3. Is it a real problem? 4. Why? Question 8. Does the writer think the boring feeling of the first part of the movie a real problem? Why? (cohesive device)  No, the writer doesn’t think the boring feeling of the first part of the movie is a real problem because if people like to see handsome stars such as Robert Pattinson, people will never feel upset about the movie.

27 27

28 28  You’ll love this movie. Go and get a ticket now! Question 7. Does the writer suggest others see the movie?  Yes, the writer suggests others see the movie.

29 29

30 30 Do you want to know the ending of the movie when you read a film review? How will you feel if you know the ending of the movie that you haven’t watched? Do you know the ending of the movie from the film review? Why don’t you know? Why didn’t the writer write the ending of the movie?

31 31 Do you know the ending of the movie from the review? Do you know why?  This is because the writer wants me to see the movie.  This is because I will be angry if I know the ending of the movie that I haven’t watched.

32 32

33 33  In "Twilight Eclipse, " Bella (leading actress Kristen Stewart) is in danger and faced with mysterious killings. A horrible vampire is also killing lots of people around her, making her very frightened. Later, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward (leading actor Robert Pattinson) and her friendship with Jacob (supporting actor Taylor Lautner) but she is clear that her decision may make the vampire and werewolf angry. Actually, Bella is facing the most important decision of her life. What tense is used to describe about the plot? Why isn’t the simple past tense used? Simple Present and Present Continuous tense are used to describe the plot because it is talking about the facts.

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