Moodle Training for Course Creators Michelle Moore Kathie Robeson.

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Presentation on theme: "Moodle Training for Course Creators Michelle Moore Kathie Robeson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moodle Training for Course Creators Michelle Moore Kathie Robeson

2 What is Moodle? for Course Creators Learning Management System (LMS) Social constructionist pedagogy Worldwide deployment Open Source

3 Open Source? for Course Creators Access to source code Software is “free” Community development Community support ◦ ◦ ◦

4 Remote-Learner for Course Creators Moodle Partner company Professional Moodle services ◦ Training ◦ Hosting ◦ Development ◦ Support Contribute to ongoing development

5 To Moodle for Course Creators

6 User Profile for Course Creators Unique e-mail address required Email format: Pretty HTML Email digest type: Choose carefully Forum auto-subscribe: No! Editing text: Use HTML editor AJAX and Javascript: Experimental Preferred language: English (en_us)

7 Exploring Moodle Modules for Course Creators Click on Home in top left corner Select Teacher and Trainer Development category Click on Exploring Moodle Modules course title “Yes” I want to enroll

8 Assignment Module for Course Creators Used to assign tasks ◦ Offline ◦ Online text ◦ Upload a file ◦ Advanced uploading of files Resubmission and firm due dates optional Due dates displayed on calendar

9 Chat Module for Course Creators Synchronous (same time) Text-based communication Scheduled or spontaneous Chat transcripts available

10 Choice Module for Course Creators Informal polling tool Single multiple-choice question Ability to limit selections Anonymous or visible results Can be exported to text or spreadsheet

11 Forum Module for Course Creators Asynchronous group discussion area Multiple forums allowed within course Management options ◦ Groups ◦ Teacher-only posting ◦ Limited student posting Teachers and/or students can rate posts

12 Glossary Module for Course Creators Dictionary, encyclopedia, FAQ, etc. Can be categorized and searched Entries auto-linked to content Option to allow learner entries Rating and commenting capabilities

13 Lesson Module for Course Creators Content presentation and assessment tool Creates a series of linked pages Flash card and branching capabilities Password and activity dependencies optional

14 Quiz Module for Course Creators Online quizzing tool Variety of question formats Range of feedback options Shuffling and randomization capabilities Options for improved “security” Results statistics and item analysis

15 Resource Module for Course Creators Tool for adding course content ◦ Insert a label ◦ Compose a text page ◦ Compose a web page ◦ Link to a file ◦ Link to a website ◦ Display a directory

16 SCORM Module for Course Creators SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model): standard for learning objects Module allows integration of SCORM content

17 Survey Module for Course Creators Research-based, prepared surveys ◦ COLLES—Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey ◦ ATTLS—Attitudes to Thinking and Learning Survey Designed to facilitate reflective teaching

18 Wiki Module for Course Creators “Wiki: a web page with an edit button” Enables collaborative authoring ◦ Document writing ◦ Knowledge-base development ◦ Group notes ◦ Group project management Options for group or individual wikis

19 Workshop Module for Course Creators Peer assessment activity Variety of grading mechanisms (rubric, Manages collection and distribution of work Results compilation and summary

20 Contact Information for Course Creators Michelle Moore ◦ Kathie Robeson ◦ Remote-Learner ◦ Phone: 540-943-7831 ◦

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