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How well do you know your Greek mythology?. Answer the upcoming questions (1 point each) and see where you rank! 40-50 Major gods 35-39 Minor gods 30-34.

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Presentation on theme: "How well do you know your Greek mythology?. Answer the upcoming questions (1 point each) and see where you rank! 40-50 Major gods 35-39 Minor gods 30-34."— Presentation transcript:

1 How well do you know your Greek mythology?

2 Answer the upcoming questions (1 point each) and see where you rank! 40-50 Major gods 35-39 Minor gods 30-34 Heroes 20-29 Mere mortals 0 - 19 What’s mythology?

3 1)The messenger to the gods Hermes

4 2) The generation of gods that were born to Gaea and Uranus were called… The Titans

5 3) According to the creation story, Uranus was the god of… The sky

6 4)The greatest creation for Daedalus while in prison was… Wings to escape

7 5) Phaethon was taunted by ________ who told him that his father wasn’t really a god. Epaphos

8 6) The goddess of love Aphrodite

9 7) The god of the sea Poseidon

10 9) The father of Zeus Cronus

11 9) The wife of Zeus Hera

12 10) The home of the 12 major gods Mt. Olympus

13 11) His mother took him to the River Styx to cover him in a protective coating, but failed to cover one part. Achilles

14 12)The two names for the ruler of the underworld Hades Pluto

15 13) The Greek name for Cupid Eros

16 14) The nothingness before the gods came into existence Chaos

17 15) The first god to appear from the nothingness Gaea

18 16) Husband of the first god to appear from nothingness Uranus

19 17) He lived on Crete and sentenced many to death. King Minos

20 18) The son of Apollo Phaethon

21 19) He chose to be sent to defeat the Minotaur Theseus

22 20) He built a labyrinth for a king Daedalus

23 21) This group was bound and buried deep in Tartarus by Zeus Titans

24 22) What does Phaethon want to borrow from his father? The golden chariot

25 23) Phaethon crashed to earth. This created … The Sahara Desert

26 24) This couple was separated when she was taken to the underworld. He went after her but failed to bring her back. Orpheus and… Eurydice

27 25) In order to honor his son’s death, Daedalus named an island… Icaria

28 26)The only reason the hero who killed the Minotaur was able to find his way out was because… He followed the string to the entrance

29 27) The minotaur slayer’s father died because the slayer forgot to do this Put up the white sails

30 28) By watching these, Daedalus got the idea to fly Sea gulls

31 29) Why did Zeus want to punish Prometheus? He stole fire from Hephaestus

32 30) Why was it a good idea to open Pandora’s box after the first time, when horrible things were released? It released hope

33 31) This sea was named for the father of the hero who slayed the Minotaur. Aegean Sea

34 32) This lesser god played music in the forests and meadows that caused some to get nervous. Pan

35 33) He was known as the blacksmith of the gods. Hephaestus

36 34) How does Prometheus convince people to use fire on Earth? He cooks food for them.

37 35) These three brothers drew lots to determine who would rule what region. Zeus Poseidon Hades

38 36. He is the god of enjoyment and wine Dionysus

39 37. Persephone must return here for part of the year. The Underworld

40 38. The only way to get to Hades palace is to… Pay the ferry boat driver a certain type of money

41 39. While at Camp Half-Blood, demigods are trained by… Chiron

42 40. Hades brings Percy’s mother to the Underworld by… Sending a minotaur to get her

43 41. Theseus leaves this person on an island after escaping from King Minos. Ariadne

44 42. Zeus gave his father this in order to trick him. A potion to make him vomit

45 43. Uranus did not like the looks of his children, the Cyclopes, so he banished them to… Tartarus

46 44. Pandora was a gift from… Zeus

47 45. What thing about the natural world is explained by the myth “Orpheus & Eurydice”? Shadows

48 46. What is the moral or lesson of “Icarus and Daedalus”? Obey your elders

49 47. In the myth “Phaethon, Son of Apollo”, what stops the chariot from destroying more of the earth? Zeus hurls a lightning bolt at Phaethon

50 48. One of the two Greek poets responsible for the origin of Greek Mythology Homer Hesiod

51 49. Homer’s two epic poems were entitled… The Iliad The Odyssey

52 50. Hesiod’s book was entitled… Theogony

53 Total your points! 40-50 Major gods 35-39 Minor gods 30-34 Heroes 20-29 Mere mortals 0 - 19 What’s mythology?

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