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 Used plasmid DNA, [pDNA] = 0.2ug/uL  Made two 1% Agarose Gel: 1 with EtBr & 1 without EtBr  Prepared 6 samples of pDNA to be loaded in each gel with.

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Presentation on theme: " Used plasmid DNA, [pDNA] = 0.2ug/uL  Made two 1% Agarose Gel: 1 with EtBr & 1 without EtBr  Prepared 6 samples of pDNA to be loaded in each gel with."— Presentation transcript:


2  Used plasmid DNA, [pDNA] = 0.2ug/uL  Made two 1% Agarose Gel: 1 with EtBr & 1 without EtBr  Prepared 6 samples of pDNA to be loaded in each gel with different amounts of pDNA : 0.01ug, 0.05ug, 0.1ug, 0.5ug, 1.0ug & 5.0ug  In gel without EtBr, added 1uL of EZ-Vision to the 6 samples and the 1kb DNA ruler before loading  Ran gels at 120V for 1.5-2 hours  Imaged them

3 Results EtBr Gel EZ-Vision Gel 1 kb DNA ruler 0.05ug0.01ug 5.0ug 1.0ug 0.5ug 0.1ug 1 kb DNA ruler 0.01ug 0.05ug 0.1ug 0.5ug 1.0ug 5.0ug

4  EZ-Vision fluorescent dye can be used as a safer alternative to visualize DNA bands in an agarose gel  EtBr is more sensitive at detecting DNA at lower concentrations (<0.1ug) when compared to EZ-Vision  EZ-Vision gel could be used on the UV transilluminator to cut bands – tested and found that you can detect the bands just as clearly as if they were stained with EtBr.

5  Prepare samples and DNA ruler to be loaded on gel in usual method. Add 1uL of EZ-Vision dye to each before loading.  Mix sample to get homogenous solution.  Load and run gel.  Image gel. Remember to switch emission filter to SybrGreen before using imaging program.  Capture photo, save and/or print. DONE!

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