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Presentation on theme: "Geometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry

2 Name the three ways to describe a pair of lines.
1 2 3

3 parallel lines

4 perpendicular lines

5 intersecting lines

6 Name 5 polygons 1 4 2 5 3

7 triangle

8 quadrilateral

9 pentagon

10 hexagon

11 octagon

12 Name 5 quadrilaterals 1 4 2 5 3

13 square

14 rectangle

15 trapezoid

16 parallellogram

17 rhombus

18 Name the 6 ways to describe a triangle
1 4 2 5 3 6

19 right triange

20 acute triange

21 obtuse triangle

22 scalene triangle

23 isosceles triangle

24 equilateral triangle

25 Name the 3 types of angles
1 2 3

26 acute angle

27 right angle

28 obtuse angle

29 Write six ways to name this angle
1 4 2 5 3 6

30 angle ABC

31 angle CBA

32 angle B

33 ˂ABC

34 ˂CBA

35 ˂B

36 Name 5 solid figures 1 4 2 5 3

37 rectangular prism

38 cube

39 triangular pyramid

40 sphere

41 cylinder

42 Name the figures for the following nets
1 2

43 cube

44 square pyramid

45 Draw this figure and the four lines of symmetry
1 4 2 3





50 Find the area and perimeter for this figure
1 2

51 P = 32 inches

52 A = 63 square inches

53 Find the area and perimeter for this figure
1 2

54 P = 50 ft

55 A = 150 square feet

56 Find the area and perimeter for this figure
1 2

57 P = 42 cm

58 A = 88 sq cm

59 Find the volume of this figure

60 V = 144 cubic cm

61 What shapes could be used to form a figure congruent to this figure?
1 2 3

62 medium triangle

63 large triangle

64 parallelogram

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