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RED HOT ROOT WORDS Lesson 9 All Together Prefixes Mrs. Pope 7 th Grade Reading.

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1 RED HOT ROOT WORDS Lesson 9 All Together Prefixes Mrs. Pope 7 th Grade Reading

2 All Together PrefixesMeaningWords You Already Know co, colwith, togethercooperate, collect com, conWith, togethercombine, connect syn, symWith, togethersynonym, sympathy

3 coexist verb To exist at the same time or in the same place

4 coexist

5 coherant adjective Sticking together; connected, related in some way

6 coherant

7 collaborate verb to labor together

8 collaborate

9 collide verb To come together with great force

10 Collide

11 composite adjective Made of separate parts or elements

12 composite

13 compound verb Bring together; (n) a mixture

14 compound

15 concordance noun An agreement on harmony

16 concordance

17 congregate verb To gather together

18 congregate

19 symmetry noun Elements on both sides of a line that have the same shape, size and arrangement.

20 symmetry

21 synthesize verb To form a new things by combining parts from other things; to unite or merge.

22 synthesize

23 The End

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