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JOURNEY into “Better Relationships” Closeness Is Required.

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2 JOURNEY into “Better Relationships” Closeness Is Required


4 Building Solid and Sure Our business is not to build quickly, but to build upon a right foundation, and right spirit. Life is more than a mere competition as between men and women; it is not who can work best; it is not who can rise highest in the shortest time, but who is working most patiently and lovingly in accordance with the designs of God.

5 TRIVIA QUESTION Who was the first (1 st ) man in the bible mentioned as having more than one wife?

6 TRIVIA answer What prophet talks about children dishonoring their parents, so that a man’s enemies are in his own household? “Micah” Micah 7:6 “For a son dishonors his father, a dau- ghter rises up against her mother, a daught- er-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies are the members of his household”

7 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I; Me; My; Mine and Myself!!! All of these are WORDS that lead in on statements of A: Boastful or pride filled —Saint—

8 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships 1Cor. 13:4d,e “…does not boast, it is not proud…” When it occurs you are usually called on the carpet to prove what you are praising yourself for Pro. 13:10a “Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice” After the auguring you most often get branded a liar!!

9 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I.Full Of Yourself—“Pride” A. 1 st, Pride prevents communication 1. Clean out our ears to listen !!Marriages pay close attention to this!! !!area!! If you are to “stubborn & Pig-headed” for what’s right—stop James writes 1:19b “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” Not all the time is it “WAX” that clogs our ears. It’s a Prideful Nature!!

10 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I.Full Of Yourself—“Pride” B. 2 nd, Pride provokes criticism Look-a-here!! You need to----! So you can---! !Always got correction for everyone! !else other than themselves! Pro. 21:24 “The proud and arrogant man—“Mocker” is his name; he behaves with overweening pride” SEE!! SEE!! TOLD YOU SO!!! Check yourself if you fall into this category

11 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I.Full Of Yourself—“Pride” B. 2 nd, Pride provokes criticism 1. Piety raises its ugly head… Lk. 18:11,12 “The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers– or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get’” Everything said glorified him, and presented him before the people; not the Living God!! It also ridiculded all those around him!! C. 3 rd, pride prohibits confession —Possibly the most dangerous of the 3— You have to be able to say what’s wrong with you

12 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I.Full Of Yourself—“Pride” C. 3 rd, pride prohibits confession —Possibly the most dangerous of the 3— Jm. 5:16a “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed….” You do not lose ‘respect’ in confess- ing, openly, your sins!! 1. If you plan on falling down and hitting hard; hang on to this…

13 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I.Full Of Yourself—“Pride” C. 3 rd, pride prohibits confession —Possibly the most dangerous of the 3— 1. If you plan on falling down and hitting hard; hang on to this… Pro. 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” Proud people take little account of their weaknesses and do not anticipate stumbling blocks. They think they are above the frailties of common people. In this state of mind they are easily tripped up

14 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I.Full Of Yourself—“Pride” C. 3 rd, pride prohibits confession —Possibly the most dangerous of the 3— 2. The cream of “Humility” rises… Pro. 29:23 “A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor” You want them to love you; “Kill-Em-Wit-Kind-Nest”!! 3. The selfless act of God…Phil. 2:6-8 “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a ser- vant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross”

15 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships I.Full Of Yourself—“Pride” C. 3 rd, pride prohibits confession —Possibly the most dangerous of the 3— 3. The selfless act of God… a) The submissiveness of us… Jm. 4:10 “Humble yourself before the Lord, and He will lift you up” b) Humility gets us this…Psa. 25:9 “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His ways”

16 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships !!To Self-Absorded!! This was a bad time for me in my spiritual growth. I thought that because I was get- ting attention as a “deacon candidate”, I was it. Not so!! I can recall times of being openly critical of other deacons and fel- low saints thinking I knew best. When those ‘truths’ hit you and show you for yourself; it’s not pretty. I’m in the growth process still and I want and need—YOUR HELP!! —Don’t Embarrass me to much—

17 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships THE PHRASE THAT PAYS!!!!!!!!!! MY FAITH WILL NEVER RISE ABOVE THE LEVEL OF MY CONFESSION

18 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships B.asic I.nformation B.efore L.eaving E.arth

19 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships WHAT IT SAYS This is my Bible, I am who my Bible say I am, I can do what my Bible say I can do. I have what my Bible say I have, my Bible teaches my spirit, my spirit teaches my mind, and my mind teaches my body. My Bible is full of promises and command- ments, my Bible has good and bad examp- les. How do I know my Bible is true? By comparing scripture with scripture and spiritual things with spiritual things. I study my Bible to show myself approved, rightly dividing the Word of God.

20 Journey into “Better Relationships” the Number One Problem in Relationships Next Week!!!! how to improve all your Relati0nships

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