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PARCC Good test taking skills will get you a higher score!

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Presentation on theme: "PARCC Good test taking skills will get you a higher score!"— Presentation transcript:

1 PARCC Good test taking skills will get you a higher score!

2 Survival Tips:  On the test, all of the answers are correct in SOME way!  The BEST answer has the MOST evidence.  There will be evidence for the wrong answer…  Remember: The BEST answer has the MOST evidence!!!!  Most questions are on theme, character traits and compare and contrast and cause and effect. As a reader, reflect on these as you read. Use your post-it notes!

3 Mean People Stink!  Test takers go out of their way to try and trick you!  Test takers repeat ides on purpose (redundancy)  Just because the title is mentioned, doesn’t make it the right answer! It just looks important to a kid (YOU!)  When reading, always think about the following: What is the attitude of the character? How does he/she feel? What is the action? What is the reaction?  Explain the meaning of similes, not just identify it as a simile!

4 Time Management  Multiple choice- 2 points  If you get A correct and B wrong you get 1 point, if you get A wrong and B correct NO POINTS  Writing- 19 points  The word analyze means compare and contrast  Comparing two text is easier so COMPARE!  Why easier? Passages are similar, most evidence, least amount of time

5 Make if OBVIOUS for the grader!  Five paragraphs  Indent, use space bar, 1,2,3,4,5  The title of ANYTHING is italicized  Make the first 1/3 AMAZING…graders formulate a score based on what they read first!  Formula: In both ______________ and ______________ there are many similarities.  Story 1 first, use transitions (Similarily,) Story 2…write two paragraphs on the story you understand the MOST!

6 Eliminating answers  It is partially correct (the wrong part is always second, test writers know students will quickly pick the answer)  It is completely correct BUT DOES NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION  Too specific, to narrow  Logical inference, but not stated in the text  Right answer will use synonyms for the text, NOT words taken from the text!

7 Writing a Summary  Must have character, conflict, and resolution  If it doesn’t have these elements, it is NOT a summary!

8 Try this: Why did the Big Bad Wolf disguise himself as Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother?

9 Write down your answer, which answer is closest to your answer, BUT uses synonyms????  A. It was easy for the wolf to put on a gray wig, night cap and gown.  B. He wanted to play a joke on Little Red Riding Hood.  C. He wanted to fool Little Red Riding Hood like he did before.  D. It was a way of luring her into a false sense of security.  E. The wolf arrived at the grandmother’s house before Little Red Riding Hood did.  Eliminate the one that is correct, but does not answer the question.  Eliminate the one that is part true, part false.  Eliminate the one that is tooooo narrow, too specific.  Look for inference, but it is NOT stated in the passage.

10 Don’t worry  Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Bradley have a strategy for success!  You are all capable of out smarting the test!  I will give you the formula for success  You need to cite, give evidence and compare…Can you do it? YES YOU CAN!

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