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ICAS and Remote Monitoring Informational Brief

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1 ICAS and Remote Monitoring Informational Brief
AMG2CC Workshop 25 Feb 2015 PRESENTED BY Michael DiUlio NAVSEA 05Z Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

2 What is ICAS? Navy’s ACAT IVM Program of Record (POR), via COTS hardware/software, for on-line automated machinery condition monitoring and assessment enabling Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), Remote Monitoring, & Remote Technical Assistance ELEMENTS OF ICAS SOFTWARE Operating System ICAS Shell Over 30 Interfaces Industry Standard, Open, etc. HARDWARE 1-5 Computer Workstations High-security Firewall System (HFS) Multiple View Node Capability Fiber Optic LAN Portable Data Collector (PDT) Sensors for selected equipment I/O Devices CONFIGURATION DATA SET (CDS) Engineering Knowledge Base built on Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) List of Equipment, Alarm Thresholds, Logsheets, Failure Modes, Rules Based Diagnostic System, Event Capture, Trends Varies based on Class, Hull, and System Configuration Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

3 Data Logging / Situational Awareness
ICAS Capabilities – Afloat Data Logging / Situational Awareness CBM implementation tool Machinery Data Trending Rules based expert system Vibration Analysis Troubleshooting Aid Event capture Operational Assessment Material Assessment Plant Situational Awareness Assessment Visit Support (Availability Planning) A tool to enable reduced manning ILS Access and linkage to PMS, EOSS and IETMs Electronic Logsheets Currently installed on: 106 Ships; 7 Classes Surface, Carrier Continuous Analysis ICAS Expert System: performs a continuous analysis of machinery data. automatically generates maintenance advisory Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

4 Seamless Data Offload via NIAPS Server Manual Data Submission
Remote Monitoring Brings ISEA Knowledge Base to Maintenance Team Cell Distance Support MELS IPARs Formats & Presents Reports Seamless Data Offload via NIAPS Server Manual Data Submission IPAR - ed ISEA Review of IPAR ICAS Collects & Process Data Maintenance Community 2-KILO Via TYCOM Process Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

5 Machinery Control System
Remote Monitoring Data Flow Data Processing and Posting Data Qualification Data Acquisition Data Packaging and Transmission Machinery Control System ICAS RMU TM HFS NIAPS NSWC Crane MELS Central RMU MELS P&D Engine SHIP SHORE Provides Firewall protection between Machinery Network & Shipboard Network ICAS Processes, Qualifies, & Stores Data RMU packages change data for transmission to NIAPS Server NIAPS Server holds ICAS Data until Shipboard Server replicates with Shore Server NSWC Crane passes data from NIAPS Shore NIAPS Server to MELS. MELS Data Processing and IPAR Generation IPAR Posted Equipment Sensors ICAS PROGRAM SHIPBOARD SHORESIDE Acronyms: MELS – Maintenance Engineering Library Server CBM – Condition Based Maintenance NIAPS – Navy Integrated Applications Server DS – Distance Support NSWC – Naval Surface Warfare Center HFS – High-Security Firewall System NSWCCD-SSES – NSWC Carderock Div – Ships Systems Engineering Station ICAS – Integrated Condition Assessment System RMU – Remote Monitoring Utility MCS – Machinery Control System TM – Transfer Manager Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

6 Same Data, Different Cut
IPAR vs. ePAR Platform Specific System Specific Same Data, Different Cut Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

7 MELS – IPAR View “Hovering” makes detailed fault information available
Bars are a histogram of the failure/fault modes, information, vice raw data. “Hovering” makes detailed fault information available “Single Click” displays supporting data System Faults Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

8 DDG GTG High Startup Vibrations
MARMC Change out request Ship contacted and begins troubleshooting (waterwash, transducer inspection, etc) + MARMC SME performed borescope inspection. Damage found on 4th stage blade First ICAS data offload received First RDS Event for Ship SME Performance review complete Data Verified by SME and compared to failure library ICAS Install Recommendations documented in pdf Time: -30 Days Time: 0 Day Time: + 1 day Time: + 3 days Time: + 11 days Time: +11days Background Ship preparing for 18 month SEA SWAP deployment All Gas Turbines were thought to be in good condition Problem identified with first data offload after install Analysis performed Startup vibrations compared to DDG80 GTG high vibe problem that resulted in engine replacement due to 4th Stage turbine blade damage Vibe signature matched and suspected 4th stage turbine damage on GTG#1 Action Taken Ship notified (in POM period) and begins troubleshooting MARMC performs borescope inspection during connection of independent vibration gear Borescope revealed, (as suspected), 4th stage turbine blade damage Results\Benefits Engine replacement accomplished stateside prior to ship deployment Reduced replacement cost Increased Ship/System Readiness Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

9 IPAR Expansion / Evolution
The GTG ISEA, RMC & ICAS team has further evolved the GTG IPAR “Start Vibrations High” discovered (2005 – Gonzalez) applicable to approx 180 GTGs monitored by ICAS Further analysis yielded an unsat amount of “false positives” Failure mode split between “Cold start”, “hot start” or “running high” vibe condition Better assessment with close to zero false positives Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

10 LPD-17 Remote Monitoring
Remote Monitoring used to identify and solve in service problems Below LPD 17 MPDE EPAR is used to identify class wide problem Engine light loading condition identified over 95% of operational time during the last 365 days on LPD-19 Lower right depicts an LPD-19 IPAR data screen used to identify that the existing system design is not capable of maintaining the Diesel fluids operational temperatures within design specification 25 Feb 2015 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

11 DDG AC Compressor Surge
A/C ISEA (Code 921) reviews performance data ICAS Data received from ship IPAR sent to ship. ISEA s ship through TYCOM on two different occasions. Ship responds to TYCOM with action taken based upon ISEA recommendations ICAS Data processed into MELS Data Verified by ISEA Recommendations documented Time: 0 Days Time: + 1 Day Time: + 30 Days Time: + 33 Days Problem Description ISEA review of IPAR data indicated possible compressor surging on AC Plant No. 2 and AC Plant No. 3 based on the combined motor current spike, suction pressure/temperature increases, and chilled water inlet/outlet temp increases. Analysis performed Day 1: ISEA ed ship and TYCOM directly addressing possible compressor surging. IPAR sent to ship. Day 30: ISEA ed ship for the second time and TYCOM directly addressing possible compressor surging. IPAR sent to ship. Action Taken Ship ordered 15 cylinders of R-134a and have recharged AC Plants Nos. 1, 1A, and 2. Ship’s force has scheduled NSSA to assist in repairing leaks on AC Plant No. 3 during upcoming CMAV. Results\Benefits ISEA was able to remotely identify fault conditions while conducting weekly IPAR reviews. Using Distance Support the ISEA was able to alert ship’s force to the fault and provide recommended maintenance actions in a timely manner. This prevented possible AC Plant Compress failure. Estimated cost avoidance = $500k Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

Effort (IRI2K) Allows ISEAs the ability to view available maintenance data (CSMP) in addition to MELS diagnostics in order to make informed recommendations and generate trackable work candidates Creates (“J” coded) 2Kilos that can be attached to an IPAR Less work for the Ship (no need to create 2Kilos from IPAR) Better data collection (can see which jobs were completed and how long they took) Allows validation of ICAS/MELS fault logic The 2Kilos are injected into the shipboard OMMS making them part of the CSMP Improved shore side (ISEA) analysis Better recommendation based on current CSMP and history Began implementation in FY14 CLOSING THE MAINTENANCE LOOP Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

13 ICAS RM Process w/ CSMP Link
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

14 DDG 101 Case Study EA01-J022 11/21/2011 11/23/2011 11/27/2011 12/5/2011 11/21/2011 EA01-J022 opened in CSMP EA01-J022 closed in CSMP AC2 Run again 12/5/11: Problem Description ISEA noted that AC#2 plant returned to “GREEN” IPAR on Insufficient SW flow, review of closed WC EA01-J022 indicated that S/F troubleshoot and investigated SW system found it properly aligned but also noted that the SW strainers were fouled. They were cycled and cleaned. 11/21/11: Problem Description ISEA review of AC#2 indicated SW flow Low or insufficient. 2K candidate EA01-J022 issued with IPAR Limited run time on AC # 2 during this time period Next IPAR on 12/5 indicated condition cleared. Fault remained green for subsequent IPARs. Summary Inadequate SW flow can lead to poor heat exchange, leading to poor AC plant performance, excessive strain on the compressor, and internal damage requiring a compressor overhaul. This example shows that review by the ISEA can lead to remotely triggered maintenance actions and correlate those actions/solutions to Failure Modes and logic improvements as well as maintenance and energy savings Restricted SW flow to the unit could lead to serious damage and increased energy consumption Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

15 ICAS & Energy ICAS Energy Dashboard CNRMC ICAS Support Discussions:
4/15/2017 ICAS Energy Dashboard R&D Efforts (funded by FRRDP – NAVSEA 05T) Shipboard ICAS tool that presents energy & fuel usage real-time Provides feedback against established “Energy Profiles” Provides energy saving recommendations Data sent off-ship to support Energy Summary Reports Initiated in 2010, started with DDG-51 FLT IIA Class Proof of Concept completed in 2012 Currently installed on 6 ships (DDGs 90, 95, 100, 102, 103, 108) Prototype efforts in progress for LPD-17 & DDG-51 FLT I Implementation Efforts (funded by COMPACFLT & USFF, N43) Install ICAS Energy Dashboard on 5 FLT IIA DDGs in FY-14 DDGs 92, 94, 97, 109, 112 DDG-51 FLT IIA implementation funding to transition to PMS400F in FY-15 CNRMC ICAS Support Discussions: - Purpose of discussions were to address ICAS RMC support, specifically at the detachments Two meetings: Aug 12, Oct 12 CNRMC agreed to look at staffing and skill set for ICAS support throughout the RMCs NSWCCD to provide training for RMC ICAS Staff TSRA: - Purpose of effort is to formalize integration of remote monitoring into the ICMP/TSRA model Leverage Remote Monitoring Tools to automate TSRA shipboard procedures, wherever possible Intent is to increase efficiency and effectiveness of TSRA visit as much as possible Remote Monitoring Tools: ICAS/IPAR, ORTSTARS INSURV: Contacted SSES for assistance in integrating ICAS/IPARs as part of the INSURV ship visits. As part of each of Material Inspections (MI), INSURV wants to audit Remote Condition Monitoring Maintenance in three phases: I. Is the required data coming off the ship? Is an IPAR going back? II. Is the ship taking appropriate action on the IPAR? III. Can INSURV use the IPAR to tailor its inspection plan? Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

16 Energy Summary Reports
4/15/2017 Energy Summary Reports R&D Efforts (funded by FRRDP – NAVSEA 05T) Initially modeled after IPARs to present monthly Energy/Fuel Usage Evolved to include operational equipment lineups and act as energy “report card” Distribution modeled similar to IPAR community Support efforts (funded by COMPACFLT, N43) FLEET is funding development of Energy Summary Reports in FY-14 Energy Summary Report Automation Tool (ESRAT) Developed to automate data processing in the Energy Summary Report ESRAT v2.0 released in Dec. ’13 Next generation of ESRAT currently in development stages Support Efforts (funded by COMPACFLT, N43) Tasking to develop interface from MELS/ESRAT to Fleet Energy Conservation Dashboard (FECD) CNRMC ICAS Support Discussions: - Purpose of discussions were to address ICAS RMC support, specifically at the detachments Two meetings: Aug 12, Oct 12 CNRMC agreed to look at staffing and skill set for ICAS support throughout the RMCs NSWCCD to provide training for RMC ICAS Staff TSRA: - Purpose of effort is to formalize integration of remote monitoring into the ICMP/TSRA model Leverage Remote Monitoring Tools to automate TSRA shipboard procedures, wherever possible Intent is to increase efficiency and effectiveness of TSRA visit as much as possible Remote Monitoring Tools: ICAS/IPAR, ORTSTARS INSURV: Contacted SSES for assistance in integrating ICAS/IPARs as part of the INSURV ship visits. As part of each of Material Inspections (MI), INSURV wants to audit Remote Condition Monitoring Maintenance in three phases: I. Is the required data coming off the ship? Is an IPAR going back? II. Is the ship taking appropriate action on the IPAR? III. Can INSURV use the IPAR to tailor its inspection plan? Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

17 Energy – Complementary Tools
ICAS Fuel Management System (FMS) SBIR SBIR Effort (funded by SBIR Program Office & FRRDP) Currently Phase II SBIR (ESRG) Shipboard ICAS tool that provides planning info for fuel/equipment configurations Prototype installed on DDGs 95, 100 Complementary to ICAS Energy Dashboard New SBIR contract awarded May 2014 TRITON Navy Propellers are inspected & cleaned twice per year: Hulls are inspected at the same periodicity, but cleaned every 3-5 years The goal of this project is to develop, install and optimize a system capable of reporting in real time when a ship’s powering condition has degraded due to increased drag from biofouling. Any improvement in fuel economy results in more days on station and/or fewer UNREPS during a deployment Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

18 REDI - Data Interface Overview
4/15/2017 Single unified view of maintenance & logistics data Assist Reliability Engineer with planning and assessing all work candidates in an electronic format Validate work packages and track deferrals Add and order parts during assessment periods to created 2Ks Provides visibility and tools for planning maintenance into prescribed periods View Technical Manuals SKED RMAIS Ship 3M/OARS AWN/OMMS CDMD-OA REDI ICMP TDKM REDI is not replacing any tools. It is providing access to Program of Record Logistics & Maintenance Tools at the Point of Performance in a Single, Enterprise Solution Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited 18

19 REDI Screen Captures OMMS/AWN: Assessor is two clicks away from submitting 2K candidate to OMMS/AWN Configuration information and standard statements assist INSURV: Digitized CHECKLIST with Automatic Discrepancy Generation Discrepancy to Work Candidate Functionality Reverse Parts Identification SearchTech Manual to APL Verification CHECKLIST with Automatic CDMD-OA(configuration data managers database) Search: By key fields: location, work center, HSC, equipment system description and equipment function description EOSS PMS TDKM CSOSS Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

20 Machinery Control System
Closing the Maintenance Loop Machinery Control System ICAS- NG (eRM) RMU TM HFS NIAPS NSWC Crane MELS Central RMU MELS P&D Engine Prognostic Engine SKED 3.2 IPAR Assessment Team / RMC / Ship’s Force AWN or OMMS-NG 2 KILO IRI2K 2 KILO REDI CSMP REDI On NIAPS REDI REDI FUTURE STATE SHIPBOARD SHORESIDE ICAS PROGRAM Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

21 ICAS is a Program Of Record for CBM
ICAS vs CBM ICAS is a Program Of Record for CBM CBM is more than just any single program It’s a Policy It’s a Process It’s the People It’s the Requirements It’s the Resources Add a “+” and it’s the Prognostics It’s a Commitment Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

22 Cyber Certification and Accreditation
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

23 Challenges CBM is a systems engineered solution
CBM as an end-to-end solution crosses many organizations, programs and swim lanes Individual programs band-aided together to form an end-to-end solution 90% of 90% of 90% yields 73% Everyone not always on same page Can’t come to parade ground every time someone doesn’t agree Sensors (and systems) are determined during procurement phase Limitation on sensors results in limitations on algorithms Maintenance community needs a voice up front regarding parameters, sensors, etc. Not inculcated in daily practice Policies not reinforced Some think CBM is not a requirement ICAS is ACAT IVM program from 1996 School house starts ICAS training in 2015 CBM is a systems engineered solution Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

24 BACKUPS Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

25 ICAS Equipped Ships Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

26 ICAS Monitored Equipment
per Class Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

27 Detailed – DDG - AC Parameters
MCMAS is the ICAS Interface to the Machinery Control System (MCS) pulling data once per second All MCMAS “type” data is automated All portable “type” data is manual Engineering Logsheets are developed from: Technical Documentation IPAR Requirements CHENG Additions Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

28 Detailed – DDG – GTM Parameters
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited

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